Putting on a Clinic
Frank Sonnenberg Online

Putting on a Clinic

Just because we are magic doesn't mean we don't exist. My colleague across the way- someone I would definitely give a recommendation if he used this site- was out of work due to a family emergency for one and a half weeks.

When he is not the job the whole operation feels rudderless. I do what I do. Solopreneurs might stick their noses in the air and act superior to hourly employees. Every day on the job I put on a clinic.

I can also show receipts. No matter what phrases are used, management is blind and sees us as liabilities. They would rather have the work unfinished than to pay me a paltry sum to complete a task.

Everyday miracles- it doesn't mean much to me. I don't toot my own horn. That happened on jobs when I was not acknowledged. I could sound like the theme song to Danger Mouse ("He's the greatest, he's fantastic..."). It won't give me a Mayfair estate.

Others have to see what my talents are. Is that why I spent so much time with a baby? Well, we lived in the same house and she was excited by my talents. Even before I could drive. She has a different job now.

The cards I was dealt are supervisors who look down on everyone. The is no way to do business and a reason the employee retention rate is putrid. Upper management is the problem and blames mid level supervisors who were never the problem.

That is a reason I would not join management. I couldn't take the cut in pay. That is a joke from restaurants. Managers make more than servers. They work so many hours the salary hardly seems worth it.

I never waited tables. It is not consistent enough for me. Every server talks about the big nights and the hundred dollar tips. They don't talk about rainy Tuesdays when they fill ketchup bottles at $2.13 per hour.

Some colleagues at the resort worked really long hours in the winter and spring, saving enough for the summer when shifts are few and far between. My next job paid less per hour. It led to a better lifestyle because I knew my hours for the week instead of adjusting on Wednesday when the schedule was released.

You can't prove favoritism. Not being acknowledged- as a single man with no children one would think I would be accustomed to that. I don't try attracting attention. That didn't help me in childhood and right now? I do what I do. If they don't see it, they won't. You cannot convert the heathen. They care about their totals and bonus. Nothing else.

All I care about is the pride of a job well done. That goes against their agenda. It never stopped me from exerting the best effort every day. They tolerate people who show up thirty minutes late if at all and disregard the ones who are there every scheduled shift. It is what you are supposed to do.


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