Putin's Harvest

Putin's Harvest

Putin’s Victims: A Long List Getting Longer

HSNW, 24 August 2023

Vladimir Putin’s intelligence operatives have killed many critics of the regime, both in Russia and abroad — among them opposition politicians, journalists, academics, artists, former spies, oligarchs, and businesspeople. Russian intelligence operatives, however, have also killed Russians who were not outspoken critics of the regime, leading Russia experts to speculate that Putin has adopted a milder version of Stalin’s tactics of random killings in order to instill a generalized sense of fear and insecurity among members of the Russian elite. The article offers a list of 175 dead Russians — 30 businesspeople; 23 politicians, diplomats, academics, and senior military officers; and 122 journalists —?who were killed, or who died under mysterious, often exceedingly implausible, circumstances, since Putin came to?power.

Vladimir Putin’s intelligence operatives have killed many domestic critics of Putin – opposition politicians, journalists, academics, artists, former spies, oligarchs, and?businesspeople.

Russian intelligence operatives, however, have also killed Russians who were not outspoken critics of the regime, leading Russia experts to speculate that Putin has adopted a milder version of Stalin’s tactics of random killings in order to instill a generalized sense of fear and insecurity in?the?Russian?elite.

For example, Alex Oronov, 69, a Ukranian-born millionaire businessman with ties to both Donald Trump and the Russian business elite, has died on 2 March 2017 in unexplained circumstances. Oronov, a naturalized American citizen, ran a large agricultural business in his native Ukraine. Oronov also had family ties to Michael Cohen, Donald Trump’s personal lawyer: Cohen’s brother, Bryan, was Oronov’s partner in an ethanol business in Ukraine

I. Businesspeople, Politicians, Diplomats, Academics, and Former Spies

Boris Nemtsov, 2015. In the 1990s, Nemtsov was one of the leaders of post-Soviet Russia’s “young reformers.” He became?deputy prime minister and was, for a while, seen as possible presidential material — but it was Vladimir Putin who succeeded Boris Yeltsin in 2000. Nemtsov initially supported the choice, but he grew increasingly critical, and was pushed to the margins of Russian political life. In February 2015, military involvement in Ukraine,?Nemtsov was shot four times?in the back by an unknown assailant within view of the Kremlin.?Putin took “personal control” of the investigation into Nemtsov’s murder, but the?killer remains?at?large.

Boris Berezovsky, 2013. A self-styled tycoon who was a member of Yeltsin’s inner circle in the late 1990s, Berezovsky was instrumental in Putin’s rise to power (including a media campaign that smeared Boris Nemtsov, who was competing with Putin to succeed Yeltsin). But Berezovsky soon fell out with Putin, and left Russia for a comfortable self-exile in the United Kingdom. The distance from Russia emboldened him, and he declared that he would devote his and his considerable wealth to bring down?Putin.

He was also?leading a campaign to investigate the November 2006 killing in London – by the radioactive substance polonium 2010 – of Alexander Litvinenko, a former?KGB?agent who became a leading critic of Putin (in 2018, a British intelligence investigation established that two agents of the?FSB?– the?KGB?successor organization — killed Litvinenko by slipping the radioactive material into his tea while they met with him in a London hotel. In 2014 the two agents received medals from Putin for their service to Russia, and one of them is now leading member of Putin’s political party in the Duma, Russia’s parliament).?Berezovsky?was found dead inside a locked bathroom at his home in London, a noose around his neck, in what was at first deemed a suicide. However, the coroner’s office?could not determine?the cause?of?death.

Stanislav Markelov and Anastasia Baburova, 2009. Markelov was a human rights lawyer who represented Chechen civilians in human rights cases again?the Russian military. He also represented journalists who were harassed by the regime after writing articles critical of Putin, including?Novaya Gazeta?reporter Anna Politkovskaya, who was killed in 2006. Markelov?was shot?by a masked gunman near the Kremlin.?Baburova, also a journalist from?Novaya Gazeta, was fatally shot as she tried to help him.?Russian authorities said a neo-Nazi group was?behind the killings, and two members?of the group, who protested that they were framed by the?FSB, were convicted of?the?deaths.

Sergei Magnitsky, 2009. Lawyer?Sergei Magnitsky?died in police custody in November 2009 after being brutally beaten, then denied medical care. He had been working for British-American businessman William Browder to investigate a massive tax fraud case. Magnitsky was arrested after uncovering evidence suggesting that police officials were behind the fraud. In 2012, Magnitsky was posthumously convicted of tax evasion, and Browder lobbied the?U.S.?government to impose sanctions on those linked to his death.?The sanctions bill?bears his name?and has?since been applied?to rights abusers in other cases. In June 2016, lawyers representing the Kremlin met in?Trump?Tower

Alexander Litvinenko, 2006. “Alexander Litvinenko was a former?KGB?agent who died three weeks after drinking a cup of tea” laced with deadly polonium-210 at a London hotel, as?Business Insider?wrote?a year ago. “A British inquiry found that Litvinenko was poisoned by Russian agents Andrei Lugovoi and Dmitry Kovtun, who were acting on orders that had ‘probably been approved’” by Putin. Russia refused to extradite them, and in 2015?the?Russian president granted Lugovoi a medal for “services to the motherland.” After leaving the Russian Federal Security Service, Litvinenko became a?vocal critic?of the agency, which was run by Putin, and?later blamed?the security service?for orchestrating a series of apartment bombings in Russia in 1999 that left hundreds dead. Litvinenko also accused Putin?ordering the murder?of?Politkovskaya.

Sergei Yushenkov, 2003. A former army colonel Yushenkov?had just registered his?Liberal Russia movement as a political party when he was gunned down?outside his home in Moscow.?Yushenkov was?gathering evidence he believed proved that the Putin government was behind one of the apartment bombings?in?1999.

Sergei Yushenkov, 53, was a Russian politician who was attempting to prove the Russian state was behind the bombing of an apartment block. He was killed in 2003 in an assassination by a single shot to the chest just hours after his political organization, Liberal Russia, had been recognized by the Justice Ministry as a political?party.

Vitaly Churkin, 64, Russia’s permanent ambassador to the?UN, died in February 2017 in New York after suddenly becoming ill on his way to work the day before his 65th birthday. It was reported he had suffered a heart?attack,?but?an?autopsy?proved?inconclusive.

Andrei Malanin, 55, the Russian consul in Athens, was found dead in January 2017 on the floor of his apartment in Greece. Greek police said there was no evidence of a break-in and he was believed to have?died?of?natural?causes.

Sergei Tkachenko, co-founder of the Soho Rooms nightclub who would die mysteriously five years later), was found dead in January 2017. His body was found on a building awning “with injuries typical of a fall from a great?height.”

Alexander Kadakin, 67, Russia’s ambassador to India, was reported to have died of heart failure in January 2017?after?a?“brief?illness.”

Sergei Krivov, 63, a senior Russian diplomat, was found on 8 November 2016,?U.S.?Election Day, unconscious on the grounds outside his office at the Russian consulate in New York. He suffered severe – and unexplained — head injuries. Russian sources initially said he had fallen to his death following a heart attack,?but a report from?medical?examiners?was?inconclusive.

Andrei Karlov, the Russian ambassador to Turkey, was killed on 19 December 2016 in Ankara by a policeman?at?a?photography?exhibition.

Peter Polshikov, a senior officials at the Russian foreign ministry, was shot dead in his Moscow apartment on the same?day?(19?December?2016).

Oleg Erovinkin, the former chief of the?KGB, who is said to have provided former British?MI6?operative Christopher Steele with material for a dossier on Donald Trump, was found dead in the back of his car on 26 December 2016. Russian officials claimed he had died?of?a?heart?attack.

Alexander Kagansky, a top Russian scientist developing a novel COVID-19 vaccine, was found dead on 19 December 2020 after falling from his high-rise apartment in St?Petersburg.

Pavel Antov. In December 2022, the Russian tycoon?reportedly?fell from a hotel window in Rayagada, India, on December 25 days after his 65th birthday. The politician and millionaire had criticized Putin’s war with Ukraine on WhatsApp following a missile attack in?Kyiv

Ravil Maganov, Lukoil chairman, had been openly critical of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Maganov, 67, died by falling out the window of a Moscow hospital in September?2022.

Dan Rapoport, a businessman who publicly condemned the Russia-Ukraine war on social media, was discovered dead in front of an apartment building in Washington, D.C, in August?2022.

Mikhail Lesin, Russian press minister who founded the English-language television network Russia Today (RT), was found dead of “blunt force trauma to the head” in a Washington, DC, hotel room in November 2015. He was considering making a deal with the FBI to protect himself from corruption charges in?Russia.

Ivan Pechorin, 49, a top manager at the Corporation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic, was found dead on 12 September 2022 in Vladivostok after allegedly falling off his luxury yacht and drowning near Cape Ignatyev in the Sea of Japan two days?before.

Igor Nosov, 43, who, in May 2021, became the CEO of the Corporation for the Development of the Far East, also died in September 2022 — from a reported?stroke.

Anatoly Gerashchenko, 73, an aviation expert and the former head of the Moscow Aviation Institute, was pronounced dead after falling down “several sets of stairs” on 21 September?2022.

Nikolai Glushkov, 69, former deputy director of the Russian national air carrier Aeroflot, was found hanged in his home in New Malden, London, on 12 March 2018. Glushkov was a notable Kremlin critic and a close friend of the late oligarch Boris Berezovsky, who was also found dead with a ligature around his neck in?2013.

Aleksandr Subbotin, 43, A former top manager of LUKoil, was found dead on 8 May 2022 in the basement of a friend’s?house.

Sergei Protosenya, 55, former top manager at Russian gas giant Novatek, his wife, and daughter had been found dead in a rented villa in the town of Lloret de Mar near Barcelona on 6 May 2022. The 55-year-old millionaire was found hanged, while his wife and daughter had been stabbed to death in the?villa.

Gennady Lopyrev, 69, who was once a lieutenant general in the Federal Guards Service, charged with overseeing Putin’s protection, died in prison this month from an unspecified “illness” after having no previously reported health conditions. Lopyrev, who was jailed in 2017 for ten years on bribery charges, is reported to have overseen the construction of Putin’s presidential palace in Sochi and was rumored to be applying for early?parole.

Roman Malyk, a senior military commissar for the city of Partizansk in Russia’s far east who was responsible for sending Russians to fight, was found dead in October 2022. Local media reported that his body had been found hanging from a?fence.

Yuri Voronov, 61, a millionaire businessman with ties to Gazprom, the state-owned energy giant, was found on dead from a gunshot wound to the head. His body was discovered 4 May 2022 in the swimming pool of a luxury property near St?Petersburg.

Vladislav Avayev, 51, a former Gazprombank vice-president, is said to have shot his wife and 13-year-old daughter before turning the gun on himself. Their bodies were found 18 April 2022 inside their multimillion-pound apartment in?Moscow.

Sergey Protosenya, 55, a Russian oligarch who had served as top manager at Russia’s Novotek energy giant, was said to have killed his wife and 18-year-old daughter before killing himself by hanging at the family’s home in Spain. The bodies were discovered by his son on 19 April?2022.

Leonid Shulman, 60, the head of Gazprom’s transport service, was discovered dead in the bathroom of his elite property near St Petersburg on 30 January 2022. Shulman was under investigation for?fraud.

Alexander Tyulakov, another high-ranking Gazprom official, was found hanged from a tree in a village near St. Petersburg on 25 February?2022.

Mikhail Watford, a Ukrainian-born Russian billionaire, was found dead in his home in Surrey, England on 28 February?2022.

Vasily Melnikov, 43, a Russian oligarch, was found dead alongside his wife and two children, in Nizhny Novgorod in late March?2022.

Andrei Krukovsky, 37, General Director of the Estosadok Krasnaya Polyana, a ski resort owned by Gazprom, died when he fell of cliff near the Achipse Fortress in Sochi. His body was found on 1 May?2022.

Vladimir Sungorkin, 68, Editor-in-chief of Komsomolskaya Pravda, died on 14 September 2022 after suffocating following what was described as a?stroke.

Pavel Pchelnikov, 52, Director of Digital Logistics, a Russian Railways subsidiary, fell of the balcony of his Moscow apartment on 28 September 2022, after reportedly firs shooting himself in the?head.

Nikolay Petrunin, 46, Deputy of the State Duma, died in San Juan, Porto Rico, on 12 October 2022 following what was described as complications from a COVID-1?infection.

Nikolai Mushegian, 29, co-founder of MakerDAO, a cryptocurrency platform, drowned off the coast of San Juan, Porto?Rico on 28 October?2022.

Vyacheslav Taran,53, co-founder of Libertex, a cryptocurrency and foreign exchange market company, died in helicopter crash in Villefranche-sur-Mer, French Riviera, on 25 November?2022.

Grigory Kochenov, 41, creative Director of Agima, an IT company, fell to his death from his balcony on 7 December 2022 while officials from the Investigative Committee executed a search warrant for his apartment in Nizhny?Novgorod.

Dmitriy Zelenov, 50, co-founder of Donstroy, a construction company, reportedly became ill and fell over a railing and hit his head on 9 December 2022 in Antibes in the?French Riviera. He later died in hospital without regaining?consciousness.

Vladimir Bidenov, 61, business associate and travel companion of Pavel Antov, reportedly died of heart problems on 22 December 2022 in Hotel Sai International, Rayagada, Odisha, India. Two days later, Pavel Antov fell to his death from a window in the same?hotel

Alexander Buzakov, 66, director General of the Admiralty Shipyards, died suddenly on 24 December 2022, the day after he attended the float-out ceremony of the new Lada class submarine Velikie Luki. No cause of death?given.

Alexei Maslov, 69, former Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Ground Forces and special representative of Uralvagonzavod, died “unexpectedly” 24 December 2022 in a military hospital. No cause?given.

Dmitry Pavochka, 49, former manager of Roscosmos, Sukhoi, Lukoil, Bank Menatep and Russdragmet, died on 26 January 2023 after reportedly being burned alive after falling asleep with a lit?cigarette.

Marina Yankina, 58, head of the financial support department of the Ministry of Defence for the Western Military District, was found dead on 16 February 2023 after falling from a window on the 16th-floor of a high-rise?building.

Viatcheslav Rovneiko, 59, oil magnate, co-founder of Urals Energy, co-owner of Belgian oil company Nafta (B) NV, director of Interregional Fuel Union; ex-KGB spy, found unconscious in his house on 22 February 2023. Subsequent medical help could not save his?life.

Igor Shkurko, 49, deputy director of Yakutskenergo, was found dead in his cell on 4 April 2023 at the detention center in?Yakutsk.

Pyotr Kucherenko, 46, State Secretary and Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, died after falling ill on board a flight from Cuba to Russia on 20 May?2023

Artyom Bartenev, 42, Federal Judge of the Kirovsky District Court, was found dead on 8 June 2023 after falling 12 stories from his apartment window in Kazan,?Tatarstan.

Grigory Klinishov, 92, physicist and co-creator of the Soviet hydrogen bomb, was found dead in his Moscow apartment, reportedly from an apparent?suicide.

Kristina Baikova, 28, vice-president of Loko-Bank, fell from her apartment at the 11th floor on 24 June?2023.

Anton Cherepennikov, 40, billionaire owner and head of state-affiliated company Citadel specializing in digital wiretapping equipment and telecommunications monitoring technology, was found dead in his Moscow office on 22 July?2023.

II. Journalists (2000-2018)

Note: The list includes the names of 122 Russian journalists and editors who were killed between 2000 and 2018. We will publish the names and circumstances of death of Russian journalists killed between 2018 and 223 in a future?issue.

As the list below shows, it is dangerous to be a free-thinking journalist in Putin’s Russia. The list contains the names, date of death, and circumstances of death of 122 Russian journalists who were killed between 2000 and 2018, while Vladimir Putin was president of Russia (2000-2008, 2012-present), and prime minister of?Russia?(2008-2012).

Every single journalist on the list below criticized Putin, his regime, or regional politicians appointed by Putin – in newspaper articles, investigative reporting, op-ed pieces, or?TV?shows. Most of the criticism involved corruption and violations of human rights (the latter category includes a high number of journalists who criticized the way Russia was conducting the war against the?Chechen?rebels).

The list is based oncompilations by the?Committee to Protect Journalists?(CPJ) and?UNESCO. It contains only journalists whose killing was clearly?politically?motivated.

It does not include the much larger group of journalists who were injured in violent attacks, fired from their jobs on Putin’s orders, imprisoned on trumped-up charges, or otherwise intimidated?and?silenced.

A large number of journalists were killed by members of criminal gangs who were subcontracted by the?FSB, Russia’s domestic security service. In some cases, the killers were brought to trial and spent a short time in jail before?being?released.


·??10 February – Ludmila Zamana, Samara.?Homicide.?Conviction.

·??9 March – Artyom Borovik,?Sovershenno sekretno?periodical and publishing house, director and journalist. Sheremetyevo-1 Airport, Moscow. Incident?not?confirmed.

·??17 April – Oleg Polukeyev,?Homicide.

·??1 May – Boris Gashev, literary critic.?Homicide.?Conviction.

·??16 July –?Igor Domnikov, from?Novaya Gazeta,?Moscow. Struck over the head with a hammer in the stairwell of his Moscow apartment building, Domnikov was in a coma for two months. His murderer was identified in 2003 and convicted in 2007.?The men who ordered and organized the attack have been named by his paper but not?charged.?Homicide.

·??26 July – Sergei Novikov, Radio Vesna,?Smolensk. Shot in a contract killing in stairwell of his apartment building. Claimed that he often criticized the administration of Smolensk?Region.?Homicide.

·??21 September – Iskander Khatloni,?Radio Free Europe,?Moscow. A native of?Tajikistan, Khatloni was killed at night in an axe attack on the street outside his Moscow apartment block. His assailant and the motive of the murder remain unknown. A?RFE/RL?spokeswoman said Khatloni worked on stories about the human-rights abuses?in?Chechnya.?Homicide.

·??3 October – Sergei Ivanov, Lada-TV,?Togliatti. Shot five times in the head and chest in front of his apartment building. As director of largest independent television company in Togliatti, he was an important player on the local political?scene.?Homicide.

·??18 October – Georgy Garibyan, journalist with Park?TV?(Rostov), murdered?in?Rostov-on-Don.

·??20 October – Oleg Goryansky, freelance journalist, press?&?TV. Murdered in Cherepovets, Vologda?Region.?Conviction.

·??21 October – Raif Ablyashev, photographer with?Iskra?newspaper. Kungur, Perm?Region.?Homicide.

·??3 November – Sergei Loginov, Lada?TV?(Togliatti). Incident?not?confirmed.

·??20 November – Pavel Asaulchenko, cameraman for Austrian?TV, Moscow. Contract killing. Conviction?of?perpetrator.

·??23 November – Adam Tepsurkayev,?Reuters,?Chechnya. A Chechen cameraman, he was shot at his neighbour’s house in the village of Alkhan-Kala (aka Yermolovka). Tepsurkayev filmed most of Reuters’ footage from Chechnya in 2000, including the Chechen rebel?Shamil Basayev?having his foot amputated. Homicide?(war?crime).

·??28 November – Nikolai Karmanov, retired journalist. Lyubim, Yaroslavl?Region.?Homicide.

·??23 December – Valery Kondakov, freelance photographer. Killed in Armavir,?Krasnodar?Region.


·??1 February – Eduard Burmagin,?Homicide.

·??24 February – Leonid Grigoryev,?Homicide.

·??8 March – Andrei Pivovarov,?Homicide.

·??31 March – Oleg Dolgantsev,?Homicide.

·??17 May – Vladimir Kirsanov,?chief editor. Kurgan, Urals Federal?District.?Homicide.

·??11 September – Andrei Sheiko,?Homicide.

·??19 September – Eduard Markevich, 29, editor and publisher of local newspaper?Novy Reft?in?Sverdlovsk?Region. Shot in the back?in a contract?killing,?homicide.

·??5 November – Elina Voronova,?Homicide.

·??16 November – Oleg Vedenin,?Homicide.

·??21 November – Alexander Babaikin,?Homicide.

·??1 December – Boris Mityurev,?Homicide.


·??18 January – Svetlana Makarenko,?Homicide.

·??4 March – Konstantin Pogodin,?Novoye Delo?newspaper,?Nizhni Novgorod.?Homicide.

·??8 March – Natalya Skryl,?Nashe Vremya?newspaper,?Taganrog.?Homicide.

·??31 March – Valery Batuyev,?Moscow News?newspaper,?Moscow.?Homicide.

·??1 April – Sergei Kalinovsky,?Moskovskij Komsomolets?local edition,?Smolensk.?Homicide.

·??4 April – Vitaly Sakhn-Vald,?photojournalist,?Kursk.?Homicide.?Conviction.

·??25 April – Leonid Shevchenko,?Pervoye Chtenie?newspaper,?Volgograd.?Homicide.

·??29 April – Valery Ivanov, founder and chief editor of?Tolyattinskoye Obozrenie?newspaper, Samara?Region.?Contract?killing.

·??20 May – Alexander Plotnikov,?Gostiny Dvor?newspaper,?Tyumen.?Homicide.

·??6 June – Pavel Morozov,?Homicide.

·??25 June – Oleg Sedinko, founder of Novaya Volna?TV?&?Radio Company,?Vladivostok. Contract killing, explosive?in?stairwell.

·??20 July – Nikolai Razmolodin, general director of Europroject?TV?&?Radio Company,?Ulyanovsk.?Homicide.

·??21 July – Maria Lisichkina,?Homicide.

·??27 July – Sergei Zhabin, press service of the?Moscow Region?governor.?Homicide.

·??18 August – Nikolai Vasiliev,?Cheboksary?city,?Chuvashia.?Homicide.?Conviction.

·??25 August – Paavo Voutilainen, former chief editor of?Karelia?magazine,?Karelia.?Homicide.

·??20 September – Igor Salikov, head of information security at?Moskovskij Komsomolets?newspaper in?Penza.?Contract?killing.

·??2 October – Yelena Popova,?Homicide.?Conviction.

·??19 October – Leonid Plotnikov,?Homicide.?Conviction.

·??21 December – Dmitry Shalayev, Kazan, Tatarstan.?Homicide.?Conviction.


·??7 January – Vladimir Sukhomlin, Internet journalist and editor, Serbia.ru, Moscow. Homicide. Off-duty police convicted of his murder. Those behind the contract killing were?not?convicted.

·??11 January – Yury Tishkov, sports commentator, Moscow.?Contract?killing.

·??21 February – Sergei Verbitsky, publisher?BNV?newspaper.?Chita.?Homicide.

·??18 April – Dmitry Shvets,?TV-21 Northwestern Broadcasting,?Murmansk. Deputy director of the independent?TV-21 station (Northwestern Broadcasting), he was shot dead outside the?TV?offices. Shvets’ colleagues said the station had received multiple threats for its reporting on influential local politicians.?Contract?killing.

·??3 July –?Yury Shchekochikhin,?Novaya gazeta,?Moscow. Deputy editor of?Novaya gazeta?and a Duma deputy since 1993. He died just a few days before his scheduled trip to United States to discuss the results of his journalist investigation with?FBI?officials. He investigated the?Three Whales Corruption Scandal?that allegedly involved high-ranking?FSB?officials. Shchekochikhin died from an acute?allergic reaction. There has been much speculation about cause of his death. The investigation into his death has been opened and closed four?times.?Homicide.

·??4 July –?Ali Astamirov, France Presse. Went missing?in?Nazran.

·??18 July – Alikhan Guliyev, freelance?TV?journalist, from Ingushetia.?Moscow.?Homicide.

·??10 August – Martin Kraus, Dagestan. On way to?Chechnya.?Homicide.

·??9 October –?Alexei Sidorov,?Tolyatinskoye Obozreniye,?Togliatti. Second editor-in-chief of this local newspaper to be murdered. Predecessor Valery Ivanov shot in April 2002.[87]?Homicide. Supposed?killer?acquitted.

·??24 October – Alexei Bakhtin, journalist and businessman, formerly?Mariiskaya pravda.?Homicide.

·??30 October – Yury Bugrov, editor of?Provincial Telegraph. Balakovo, Saratov Region.?Homicide.?Conviction.

·??25 December – Pyotr Babenko, editor of?Liskinskaya gazeta. Liski, Voronezh?Region.?Homicide.


·??1 February – Yefim Sukhanov,?ATK-Media,?Archangelsk.?Homicide.?Conviction.

·??2 May – Shangysh Mongush, correspondent with?Khemchiktin Syldyzy?newspaper.?Homicide.

·??9 June – Paul Klebnikov, chief editor of newly established Russian version of?Forbes?magazine,?Moscow. Contract killing, alleged perpetrators put on trial and?acquitted.?Homicide.

·??1 July – Maxim Maximov, journalist with?Gorod?newspaper, St Petersburg. Body not?found.?Homicide.

·??10 July – Zoya Ivanova,?TV?presenter, Buryatia State Television?&?Radio Company, Ulan Ude,?Buryatia.?Homicide.

·??17 July – Pail Peloyan, editor of?Armyansky Pereulok?magazine.?Homicide.

·??3 August – Vladimir Naumov, nationalist reporter, Cossack author (Russky Vestnik,?Zavtra), Moscow?Region.?Homicide.

·??24 August – Svetlana Shishkina, journalist, Kazan, Tatarstan.?Homicide.?Conviction.

·??18 September – Vladimir Pritchin, editor-in-chief of North Baikal?TV?&?Radio Company,?Buryatia.?Homicide.

·??27 September – Jan Travinsky (St Petersburg), in?Irkutsk?as political activist for election?campaign.?Homicide.?Conviction.


·??31 August – Alexander Pitersky, Baltika Radio reporter,?Saint Petersburg.?Homicide.

·??4 November – Kira Lezhneva, reporter with?Kamensky rabochii?newspaper,?Sverdlovsk?Region.?Homicide.?Conviction.


·??8 January – Vagif Kochetkov, newly appointed?Trud?correspondent in the region, killed and robbed in?Tula.?Acquittal.

·??26 February – Ilya Zimin, worked for?NTV?Russia?television channel, killed in?Moscow?flat. Suspect in Moldova?trial.?Acquittal.

·??4 May – Oksana Teslo, media worker, Moscow Region. Arson attack on?dacha.?Homicide.

·??14 May – Oleg Barabyshkin, director of radio station, Chelyabinsk.?Homicide.?Conviction.

·??23 May – Vyacheslav Akatov, special reporter,?Business Moscow?TV?show, murdered in Mytyshchi?Moscow Region. Killer caught and convicted.?Homicide.?Conviction.

·??25 June – Anton Kretenchuk, cameraman, local Channel 38?TV, killed in?Rostov-on-Don.?Homicide.?Conviction.

·??25 July – Yevgeny Gerasimenko, journalist with?Saratovsky Rasklad?newspaper. Murdered in?Saratov.?Conviction.

·??31 July – Anatoly Kozulin, retired freelance journalist. Ukhta,?Komi.?Homicide.

·??8 August – Alexander Petrov, editor-in-chief,?Right to Choose?magazine?Omsk, murdered with family while on holiday in?Altai Republic. Under-age murderer charged and prosecuted.?Homicide.?Conviction.

·??7 October –?Anna Politkovskaya, commentator with?Novaya Gazeta,?Moscow, whose book,?Putin’s Russia, accused the Kremlin leader of turning the country into a police state. She was shot in her apartment building’s elevator. Five men were convicted of her murder, but the judge found that it was a contract killing, with $150,000 of the fee paid by a person whose identity was never discovered. The convictions of the five defendants were overturned on appeal in?February?2009.

·??16 October – Anatoly Voronin, Itar-TASS?news agency,?Moscow.?Homicide.

·??28 December – Vadim Kuznetsov, editor-in-chief of?World?&?Home. Saint Petersburg?magazine, killed in?Saint Petersburg.?Homicide.


·??14 January – Yury Shebalkin, retired journalist, formerly with?Kaliningradskaya pravda. Homicide in?Kaliningrad.?Conviction.

·??20 January – Konstantin Borovko, presenter of “Gubernia”?TV?company (Russian:?”Губерния”), killed in?Khabarovsk.?Homicide.?Conviction.

·??2 March – Ivan Safronov, military columnist of?Kommersant?newspaper. Died in?Moscow, cause of death disputed.?Incident not Confirmed. Investigation under Incitement to Suicide?(Article?110).

·??15 March – Leonid Etkind, director at?Karyera?newspaper. Abduction and homicide in Vodnik, Saratov?Region.?Conviction.

·??April – Marina Pisareva, deputy head of Russian office of German media group?Bertelsmann?was found dead at her country cottage outside?Moscow?in?April.

2008: Final Months of Putin?as?President*

* Putin, who was elected president in 2000, could not run for a third consecutive term in 2008 (the term-limit law has been changed in a referendum two months ago, allowing Putin to remain in power until 2036). Putin switched places with his prime minister, Dimitry Medvedev, and from 2008 to 2012 Medvedev was a figure-head president while Putin continued to run Russia as the prime minister. Putin returned to the presidency?in?2012.)

·?8 February – Yelena Shestakova, former journalist, St Petersburg. Killer sent to psychiatric?prison.?Homicide.

·??21 March – Gadji Abashilov, chief of Dagestan State?TV?&?Radio Company?VGTRK, shot in his car in?Makhachkala.?Homicide.

·??21 March – Ilyas Shurpayev,?Dagestani?journalist covering Caucasus on?Channel One, was strangled with a belt by robbers in Moscow.?Alleged killers tracked to Tajikistan and convicted there of his?murder.?Homicide.

·??13 November – Mikhail Beketov. Beketov suffered brain damage and lost a leg after a brutal assault in 2008 following his reporting and campaign against a highway project in Moscow. He died five years later. Beketov wrote about corruption in Khimki, a town near the $8 billion highway. The founder and editor of a local newspaper, Beketov was among the first to raise the alarm about the destruction of the local forest and suspicions local officials were profiting from the project. In November 2008, Beketov was beaten so viciously that he was left unable to speak. He was in a coma for several months and spent more than two years in hospitals. His attackers were?never?found.

The Medvedev Presidency (Putin as?Prime?Minister)


·??31 August –?Magomed Yevloyev?was shot dead while in police custody in?Ingushetia. Yevloyev was the founder of the opposition website?Ingushetia.org?and was known for his regular criticism of Ingush President?Murat Zyazikov.?The police officer involved in the killing, Ibragim Yevloyev, was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter and sentenced to two years?in?prison.

·??30 December – Shafig Amrakhov was shot and wounded by an unknown assailant at his apartment in?Murmansk?and later died in hospital. Amrakhov was the editor of the?RIA?51 news agency and criticized the economic policies of Yuri Yevdokimov, the governor of?Murmansk Oblast.


·??4 January – Vladislav Zakharchuk died in a fire that engulfed a newspaper office in?Vladivostok,?Primorsky Krai. Zakharchuk was the advertisement manager for the newspaper?Arsenyevskie Vesti. The newspaper was known for its criticism of the authorities in the krai and its chief editor and journalists have faced fines and imprisonment in?the?past.

·??19 January –?Stanislav Markelov?was shot and killed by a masked gunman in Moscow alongside Anastasia Baburova. Markelov was a lawyer who worked with?Novaya Gazeta?and brought many cases against the Russian military, Chechen warlords, and?neo-Nazi?groups.

·??19 January –?Anastasia Baburova?died alongside Stanislav Marekelov after being shot at in Moscow. Baburova was a journalist-in-training for?Novaya Gazeta?and was known for investigating neo-Nazi activity?in?Russia.

·??30 March – Sergei Protazanov was found unconscious at his home in?Khimki,?Moscow Oblast, and later died in hospital. Authorities and relatives believed he was poisoned. Protazanov was the page designer for?Grazhdanskoye Soglasiye, the only opposition newspaper in the city, and was seriously beaten by assailants a few days prior to?his?death.

·??29 June – Vyacheslav Yaroshenko died of wounds he received from a severe beating by an unknown assailant in April in?Rostov-on-Don,?Rostov Oblast. Yaroshenko was the chief editor of the?Korruptsiya i Prestupnost?newspaper and prior to his beating, the newspaper published multiple articles alleging corruption in the Oblast’s government, police, and?prosecutor’s?office.

·??15 July –?Natalia Estemirova?was abducted and then killed in Grozny, Chechnya. Her body was later found near?Nazran, Ingushetia. Estemirova was a human rights activist for?Memorial?who worked with journalists of?Novaya Gazeta?and occasionally published in the newspaper herself. She was known for investigating murders and kidnappings in Chechnya and was a colleague of?Anna?Politkovskaya.

·??11 August –?Malik Akhmedilov?was found shot dead near Makhachkala, Dagestan. Akhemdilov was the deputy chief editor of?Khakikat?and the chief editor of the?Sogratl?newspapers, which focused on civic and political issues in?the?republic.

·??25 October – Maksharip Aushev was shot dead in Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkaria. Aushev worked on multiple human rights cases in neighboring Ingushetia and was the operator of Ingushetia.org following the death of Magomed Yevloyev?in?2008.

·??16 November – Olga Kotovskaya died after falling out of a window on the 14th-floor of a building in?Kaliningrad. Authorities classified the death as suicide while colleagues believe she was murdered for her work. Kotovskaya was the co-founder of the Kaskad radio and television station, which was embroiled in an ownership lawsuit brought by Vladimir Pirogov, the former vice governor of?Kaliningrad Oblast.


·??20 January – Konstantin Popov died from a beating received by Russian police while in custody in?Tomsk. Popov was the co-founder and director of the?Tema?newspaper and was allegedly tortured prior to?his?death.

·??23 February – Ivan Stepanov was stabbed to death at his dacha in?Khilok,?Zabaykalsky Krai. Stepanov was a local correspondent for the?Zabaikalsky rabochy?newspaper and the author of three books that were popular in?his?district.

·??20 March – Maxim Zuyev went missing and was later found murdered in a flat he was renting in Kaliningrad. Zuyev was a reporter for multiple newspapers in Kaliningrad Oblast and was a moderator for the Koenigsberg?journalist?society.

·??25 July – Bella Ksalova was fatally injured and later died in hospital after being hit by a vehicle near her home in?Cherkessk,?Karachay-Cherkessia. Ksalova was a correspondent for the Caucasian Knot website and news agency and wrote highly critical articles of local authorities. The driver, Arsen Abaikhanov, plead guilty and was sentenced three years in a?penal?colony.

·??1 August – Malika Betiyeva was killed along with four members of her family when a speeding vehicle hit hers on a highway in Chechnya. Betiyeva was the deputy chief editor of the?Molodyozhnaya smena?newspaper and a correspondent for?Dosh?magazine. She was known for writing about lawless behavior of government agencies in Chechnya and her worked had to be published under an assumed name for her?own?safety.

·??6 November — Intrepid reporter Oleg Kashin was viciously beaten by two unidentified attackers outside his home in November 2010 and narrowly escaped death. He spent days in an induced coma with a fractured skull, and had one finger partially amputated. He survived and eventually recovered. Kashin has written on a wide range of social and political issues, some politically sensitive. Shortly after the attack, Kashin said he suspected then-Pskov governor Andrei Turchak to be behind the attempt on his life as a reaction to a critical post he wrote about him on his blog. Russia’s then-President Dmitry Medevdev at the time pledged to solve the attack. Kashin was originally full of praise for the investigators who appeared to be trying to find his attackers, but the probe stalled shortly afterward. Frustrated with the lack of progress in the investigation, Kashin conducted his own probe into the attack and several years later publicly accused Turchak of placing an order to cripple or kill him. Turchak has never been questioned, and has denied the accusations. He currently holds a senior post in the ruling?pro-Kremlin?party.


·??15 December –?Gadzhimurat Kamalov?was shot six times in a drive-by shooting outside his newspaper’s office in Makhachkala, Dagestan. Kamalov owned the media company Svoboda Slova and was known for investigating corruption and rebel activity in?the?republic.

Putin Returns to?the?Presidency


·??5 December – Kazbek Gekkiev was shot dead at a street in?Nalchik,?Kabardino-Balkaria, after receiving death threats from local extremists. Gekkiev worked for various local?TV?programs in?the?republic.


·??9 July –?Akhmednabi Akhmednabiyev?was killed while driving just 50 metres from his house on the outskirts of Makhachkala, Dagestan, after receiving numerous death threats. Akhmednabiyev was the deputy editor of the newspaper?Novoe Delo?and regularly wrote about the politics of the republic and human rights issues in the North Caucasus. He was previously the victim of an assassination attempt back in?January?2013.


·??1 August –?Timur Kuashev?was abducted from his home and later found dead in Nalchik, Kabardino-Balkaria.?Kuashev worked for the magazine?Dosh?and received death threats and was previously stopped by local police a number?of?times.


·??17 March – Yevgeny Khamaganov died of unexplained causes in?Ulan-Ude,?Buryatia. Khamaganov was known for writing articles that criticized the federal government and was allegedly beaten by unknown assailants on?10?March.

·??19 April – Journalist and former prisoner of conscience?Nikolay Andrushchenko?died in Saint Petersburg from wounds that he received from a severe beating by unknown assailants on 9 March. Andrushchenko was the co-founder of the newspaper?Novy Petersburg?and was previously jailed in 2009 by a city court for “libel?and?extremism”.

·??24 May – Dmitry Popkov was found dead from gunshot wounds at a bathhouse close to his home in?Minusinsk,?Krasnoyarsk Krai. Popkov was the chief editor of the newspaper?Ton-M?and was known for investigating?police?corruption.


·??15 April –?Maksim Borodin?died of injuries from falling out of a window at his apartment in?Yekaterinburg,?Sverdlovsk Oblast, on 12 April. Authorities classified the death as suicide while colleagues reject the notion. Borodin regularly wrote on crime, corruption, and?the recent involvement of Russian mercenaries in Syria.

·??23 July – Denis Suvorov was found dead after being stabbed by an unknown assailant in?Nizhny Novgorod. Suvorov worked for the Vesti-Privolzhye television station and was an editor for the Vesti.Nizhny Novgorod?internet?portal.

·??31 July – Sergei Grachyov went missing in Nizhny Novgorod on 21 July after taking a reporting trip there from Moscow. His body was found 11 days later. Grachuov worked for the?Argumenty i Fakty?newspaper.

·??10 September – Yegor Orlov disappeared on 7 September after leaving for work in?Naberezhnye Chelny,?Tatarstan. His body was later found in a river in the?Yelabuzhsky District. Orlov was a correspondent and presenter at?Chelny?REN-TV.

We always knew that The Laws in Russia were self serving among those in power no surprise there ! What changed is the power was put to test and it turned out to be hallow and not impregnable. The question is have the population become so numb to accept the reality of the a weakened Putin or will they just comply with this reality because it could get worse with a change therefore life will continue. The point is what will it take make the change


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