Putin’s Desperate Troops Beg for Parents’ Money to Buy War Gear: what rot at the top does as to Putin's own soldiers whom are pawns in this war

Putin’s Desperate Troops Beg for Parents’ Money to Buy War Gear: what rot at the top does as to Putin's own soldiers whom are pawns in this war

The Russian Mafioso state in full glory. First, we see how the Kremlin troops are begging their PARENTS for Mothers luncheon money to avoid being butchered, as money for protective gear winds up building better Oligarch show boats in the 7 seas. Secondly, a rare Palmer report entry as to CELL phones and the great turkey shoot in Ukraine, as to the soldiers being traced by the CELL phones by Ukraine sharp shooters. In a word, the corruption at the top has decimated a would be occupying force, in Ukraine, with increasingly dire consequences.

As I stated in an earlier Pulse article, there IS a countdown as to the possible collapse of the Russian federation, and desperate troops being wasted by sharp shooters, plus mothers of dead Russian soldiers being slaughtered due to no protective gear are a harbinger of what is to come.

Really despicable.



Putin’s Desperate Troops Beg for Parents’ Money to Buy War Gear


Vladimir Putin hasn’t been the most attentive when it comes to providing his military with protective gear, apparently forcing some soldiers to turn to their mothers for help.

Shannon Vavra

National Security Reporter

Published?May. 12, 2022?3:03PM ET?


Russian fighters are starting to plead with their parents to send them money so they can buy better protective gear than the equipment?Russian President Vladimir Putin?has provided his military for?the war in Ukraine, according to calls intercepted by Ukrainian intelligence.

“How much do you need?,” one soldier’s mother asked, according to one?tapped call, which was shared by Ukraine’s Security Service (SBU) this week. “And what kind of equipment…? And you have to buy that with your own money?”

“Body armor,” the soldier replied. “It’s just that what we have now is terrible.”

The Russian government has been lambasted in recent weeks for failing to provide adequate protective gear for its soldiers, even though it prepared its troops and equipment along the border of Ukraine for eventual war for months. Just last month, Russian troops took to social media to share images of Russian first-aid kits side-by-side with Ukrainian first-aid kits to demonstrate just how?poorly prepared the Russian forces were for war, pleading for donations for the Russian forces.

The intercepted call is just the latest incident indicating that Russian troops have begun to realize that Moscow sent them to Ukraine only to be left high and dry, fighting for their lives and fed up.

“The sanctions are having a bite.”

Russian troops have been struggling with morale, a senior U.S. defense official said this week.

“We still see anecdotal reports of poor morale of troops, indeed officers, refusing to obey orders and move and not really sound command and control from a leadership perspective,” the official said on a call with reporters Monday.

Soldiers have started referring to the Ukrainian town of Chornobaivka as “purgatory” for military equipment, according to another phone call between Russian fighters the?SBU intercepted.

It’s the 78th day of war in Ukraine, and the lack of investment in Russians’ protective gear and low morale is starting to show: Russian forces have lost 26,650 in combat already, according to an assessment the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine shared Thursday.

Russia’s military has also lost 1195 tanks, 2873 armored vehicles, 534 artillery systems, 87 anti-aircraft systems, 199 aircraft, 161 helicopters, and 13 military boats, by Ukraine’s military’s count.

Some of Putin’s struggles to keep up the war effort can be linked to the crush of sanctions from the United States and other countries, too.

The senior U.S. defense official noted that Russia is having trouble keeping up their inventory on precision-guided munitions.

Troops Fed Up With ‘Old Nutjob’ Putin Vanish to ‘Tribunal’


Allison Quinn

“The sanctions are having a bite on the Russians' ability to replenish those stocks in their defense industrial base,” the official said on a call with reporters.

For Putin, though, his missteps aren’t just going to cause flagging morale and failures in the war in Ukraine; It will take his military years to recover, according to an analysis from the U.S. intelligence community.

“As we’ve watched the Russians falter here and the losses that they’ve sustained, we believe that they’re going to be set back conventionally for a number of years as they try to recoup these losses and replace all of the equipment and soldiers that they have lost,” Scott Berrier, the Director of the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency told lawmakers in a briefing this week.

End of quote

And now for the great turkey shoot, due to CELL phones in the Ukraine battle field. Here it comes



Russia’s Achilles heel

Robert Harrington?|?9:00 pm EDT May 14, 2022

Palmer Report???Analysis

If you’re a Ukrainian officer and you need intel on tracking stealth advances by the enemy into your own territory, there is one very effective way to get it: just ask the Russians. It turns out that Russian troops are giving away their positions and they’re doing it by using cell phones on Ukrainian networks. Their positions are absurdly easy to track, and it represents a huge advantage for Ukrainian military operations against them.

A military blunder that’s easy to fix, you might say. Just issue a directive to all hands to stop calling home on cell phones, and cease use of such phones altogether. Or, better yet, why not just destroy cell towers in the area depriving Ukrainian military ops of the ability to track them at all?

Not so fast. In the first instance, getting the troops to stop using their phones (or phones they’ve stolen from the Ukrainians) is next to impossible. If they’re not homesick then they’re addicted to the internet. In the second instance, the Russians need the Ukrainian cellular infrastructure in order to operate their own encrypted communication devices. While such encrypted devices are untraceable, the Achilles heel is that they need to use the Ukrainian 3G and 4G networks to run them. They didn’t bring their own network with them, you see, as the American or Chinese military would have done given a similar strategic position.

Even when they’re turned off, cell phones can still give away the GPS locations of their owners. Even Ukrainian civilians who have had their iPhones stolen by Russian troops can find out where the thieves are by using an app available to everyone known as Find My iPhone. “I don’t understand why people don’t understand,” general Robert Neller said, “If I can find you, I can target you; and if I can target you, I can shoot you; and if I can shoot at you, I can kill you. It’s pretty simple.”

Part of the reason Russia was unable to issue their own network in their invasion of Ukraine was down to financial corruption. Even if a billion dollars was allocated for the purpose of setting up secure communications inside Ukraine, half of that money would wind up in Switzerland. The rest would be mismanaged and misallocated. That is part of the reason why Russian troops are so badly kitted out, and explains much of their discontent. Hence the need to phone home. Besides, many of the Russian brass didn’t see the need to adequately plan for the invasion because they honestly thought that the Ukrainians would welcome them as liberators,

There are a million stories in the naked city of Russian corruption and incompetence in their invasion of Ukraine. This has been one of them. And, as ever, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, comrades and friends, stay safe.

end of quote

No amount of yammering by M. Greene as to the 'futility' of assistance to Ukraine will manage to cover this corruption redux up. NONE. Secondly, Rand Paul's shout out to Putin by delaying 40 billion USD of assistance will ALSO not make these stories go away. This corruption redux is murder by Oligarch show boat, in the 7 seas , as a capstone to the nonstop bully- yes man culture of Russia today.


The Russian Mafioso state in full glory. First, we see how the Kremlin troops are begging their PARENTS for Mothers luncheon money to avoid being butchered, as money for protective gear winds up building better Oligarch show boats in the 7 seas. Secondly, a rare Palmer report entry as to CELL phones and the great turkey shoot in Ukraine, as to the soldiers being traced by the CELL phones by Ukraine sharp shooters. In a word, the corruption at the top has decimated a would be occupying force, in Ukraine, with increasingly dire consequences.

As I stated in an earlier Pulse article, there IS a countdown as to the possible collapse of the Russian federation, and desperate troops being wasted by sharp shooters, plus mothers of dead Russian soldiers being slaughtered due to no protective gear are a harbinger of what is to come.

Really despicable.

And so have a go at it Rand Paul and M. Greene . Excuse THIS if you can. Make my day.

Andrew Beckwith, PhD


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