Put Your Oxygen Mask On First
It’s 7:58 am and you’re about to put your mask on… I’m not talking about your COVID mask, I’m talking about the other mask you put on right after you log the kids into school or the one you put on before your team & colleagues enter the room…
Let me tell you a quick story…
After losing my mother to Lupus as a 9-year old, not knowing who my father was until 17 years old, being sexually abused at 13 years old, becoming a teen mom at the age of 16, and being involved in a tumultuous relationship with an older man… I found myself at 23 years old at the right place at the right time when I became the CEO of a high-end, luxury day spa. I was financially flexible and created a great lifestyle for myself and my daughter; but behind closed doors, I was stressed, had unresolved childhood trauma, was looking for love in all the wrong places, made very unhealthy food choices, carried a very heavy mental load and felt guilty about how I showed up for myself and my daughter.
My facade said "I've got it all together", but privately, my personal life, relationships and some of my health areas were falling apart. Unknowingly, I modeled this behavior for my daughter. I realized that I had created my self identity as a career woman and I took much pride in my work as a way to escape everything I had gone through.
My unresolved trauma was costing me my well-being. As a woman in leadership, this way of operating is not sustainable and there are life altering costs.
So HOW do you go from this mask wearing high performing CEO mom to that woman who shows up and sustains all areas of her life authentically?
You make a conscious decision to put your oxygen mask on first so you can save everyone around you and I created an 8-step Holistic Well-Being program called The Love You More Method? so you can do just that.
Consciousness in the new luxury… so when you’re ready to move BEYOND self care… click the link in my bio and schedule a CEO Mom Intervention Chat with me. It’s time to model well-being for generations to come.