Put YOUR Oxygen Mask on First. Here's Why and How

Put YOUR Oxygen Mask on First. Here's Why and How

“In case of a cabin pressure emergency,?put on your own mask first before assisting others.”

As a busy executive, business owner, parent, spouse, significant other, caregiver (fill in the blanks), you are likely taking care of a million different things right now and burning the candle at both ends. Sound familiar?

In?coaching many CEO's and executives, ?I see a common theme. I see highly motivated, driven leaders who do so much to support the growth of their companies at the expense of their own personal health and wellbeing. Long hours at work, missed dinners at home, missing kid's sports, skipping vacations, lacking exercise, very little sleep, stress eating and losing connection with their spouse or significant other are commonplace.?"Success" in business, as some people define it, can come with dire consequences with regard to personal health and happiness.

The reality is that overworked, unhealthy and highly stress leaders are actually performing on only 4 cylinders, and not all 8 with dual turbos, as they could be.?Their unrelenting focus on their business, while it seems to be effective on the outside, is causing a gradual death spiral where things that are MOST important in life, like health, family and other relationships, are dying on the vine. And ultimately, they could be even more impactful as leaders with greater wellbeing.

"A healthy man has a thousand wishes, a sick man has but only one." - Indian Proverb

Optimize the impact of your leadership by first taking care of yourself. Treat your mind and your body as a high performance race car that requires the proper fuel mixture and expert tuning. Model this with your team, and instill a culture of 'health and family' first, where your people also optimize their personal health and wellbeing for higher performance at home, and at work. Here are few suggestions to consider:

  • Exercise daily:?Strength training and light cardio is best. Invest 30-60 minutes 5-7 days / week. Do it first thing in the morning, so there are no excuses later in the day! IDEA!: Set a goal of a 5K race, and challenge others on your team to do it with you. Make it fun.
  • Eat Healthy:?Eliminate most if not all refined, sugary and high fat foods from your diet. Choose whole foods like fruits, nuts, vegetables and lean proteins. Drink more water while reducing or eliminating alcohol. Think 'moderation'. IDEA! Meal Prep:. Each week, make nutrition rich, low cal. lunches that you take to work.
  • Get adequate and more restful sleep:?Switch the computer and TV off earlier, and hit the sack in a well ventilated, quiet and comfortable setting.
  • Educate Yourself:?Read, listen to podcasts, etc. Learn about stress management techniques. Immerse yourself in health and wellness concepts to develop the habits you'll need to stick to them.
  • Take Breaks more often:?Go for a walk at lunchtime with co-workers. Leave work early to watch your kid's soccer game. Go on Vacation. Go on a date with your spouse. Show your team that you take the time for 'self-care', and they will do the same.
  • Be Social:?Research shows that having a social network can improve your wellbeing and happiness. Surround yourself with others who embody healthy values, and be lifted up to a higher level.
  • Hire a Wellness Coach:?Consider working with an expert in how to live a healthier way of life. They can help you develop a plan and hold you accountable.

These simple concepts, when executed properly, become habits that deliver long term results. It's about execution, and only YOU can be accountable for your personal wellness.

Question: Are you taking care of yourself first in order to optimize your leadership of others and your business growth? What can you do RIGHT NOW to make a change in the right direction in order to feel better, and therefore perform at an even higher level as a leader / business owner? And are you building a culture where your people optimize their performance too?


A leader with over 30 years of business and coaching experience, Troy Jacobson is a Vistage CEO Chair and Executive Coach based out of Tucson, Arizona. He works with organizations both locally and throughout N. America, delivering leadership training and team building programs. For more information, visit www.TroyJacobson.com

Jamie Overbey

Vistage Master Chair & CEO/Executive Coach: Building leaders and businesses 2x faster through local peer advisory boards. [email protected]

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"You can't pour from an empty cup." R&R is fundamentally and strategically important for business leaders. Just do it. The work will still be there when you get back, but you'll be ready to deal with it better!


