Put your hands up
Last night I went and saw @catfishandthebottlemen at Express Live in Columbus, Ohio. I must be choosing some good concerts because once again these guys rocked. Great music, great sound, and an incredibly dynamic front man. Not only that, the crowd in Columbus was totally into it. I’ve been to concerts where the band is crushing it, but for whatever reason, the audience isn’t really doing much. That actually happened when I saw jamestownrevival in Indianapolis this past Sunday. Amazing band. Amazing show. Dud audience. As such, both band and audience have a key roles in creating a magical show experience. One simple strategy for showing one’s appreciation and enthusiasm is by putting your hands up. Whether you move them around, or clap them, or not, that little extra gesture of putting one’s hands over one’s head signals to the band, “hey, I’m with ya!” As a result, the band levels up and plays harder because they are now drawing energy from the crowd, which then elicits even more excitement from the crowd, which then further energizes the band, hence creating a cycle of kick ass band-audience concert magic. All of this occurring because the band shows up and puts out, and the audience raises arms and stays engaged. Do you want to create magic? In your office? Your sport? Your relationships? Keep in mind the simple gestures that will communicate to the other person or organization that you are all in. That will signal, “Hey, I’m with ya.” It doesn’t take much, it doesn’t require talent, it just requires you and your energy. Put your hands up.