Put Your Big Rocks In the Jar First
Colin Nanka
Global Vice President, Enablement, 10x Ultra Marathoner, Speaker on "Defeating Average"
Prioritization should be your biggest focus area right now.
There is an old parable about the best way to put three items in a jar.
Sand, pebbles, and rocks.
- If you put the sand in first, you can put in some pebbles and there is no room for the big rocks.
- If you put in the pebbles first, you can add the sand and there is little room for the big rocks.
- If you put in your big rocks first, you can then fill in the smaller spaces with pebbles and the smallest spaces with sand.
Your big rocks are the most important things you are focused on every week.
In these times, mine are family, health, and wellness, work and there is very little room for sand.
If you leave too many gaps, they will get filled with things you probably should not be focused on right now.
Defeating Average.