This is probably the most important words I have put to pen in my life because I truly believe this came from the mouth of God... himself "PUT A VEIL ON IT" is what I know I heard it woke me out of my sleep. Non of us are innocent and have no evil or say bad habits in our life or what God call's sin we all have sinned, and me more than probably most of you who will read this; so why is this self appointed sinner hearing from God.. I learned a young age to put a Veil on it.. I am going to put it like this as an example when a Spouse, Girlfriend, Husband, Significant other, takes a trip to Vegas without the other partner we say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas...I truly believe that the way our Father God feels some time I know what you doing just stay in prayer and remain Humble about it .. Because Jesus got you covered if you can show some humility and let me you and him deal with it on a personal level, the problem comes in when we act as if God has no say or God is old fashion so we give God the Finger.. And an Return he send Ebola, HIV, AIDS, Scarlet Fever, The Pledge, Covid, and the list go on to include war, famine, unnatural weather patterns and countless other tragedies that have come to past and the last twenty to thirty-five years that have baffled brilliant minds and cost millions to lose their life suddenly from something that can only be called and act of God.. Because we refuse to put a VEIL ON IT..