Does Frankfurt Hold A Birmingham Christmas Market?
Steve Glaister
White Label Hosted Unified Comms - Giver of Free Advice (asked for or not ??). 3 decades of channel. MSP/MPS friendly, Proud to be in a successful Employee Owned Business. *does not pitch on invite
It's the silly season, so I thought I would add to the silliness. As I made my around Birmingham at the weekend, passing the endless "Scooby Doo Background" of stalls of the authentic Frankfurt Christmas Market (mulled wine, frankfurters, Heidi hats, Berliner Doughnuts, mulled wine, frankfurters, Berliner Doughnuts... repeat until you get the idea), I wondered if the residents of Frankfurt are currently experiencing the delights of a natural UK market, with knock off DVDs, hoover bags, out of date biscuits, and a bloke selling fusion razor blades at half the price of Superdrug. Selections of the finest knitwear at less than a fiver, fruit and veg at 50p per pound, and the odd bits of bric a brac that you can only find in such places.
No? Thought not. Have a great week.