To put motion into our words
John "Z" Zeydel
Business Owner, Master Coach, Thought Leader in Training, Coaching, and Communications (Husband, Veteran, Ironman)
I started a post a few weeks ago about how my perspective has changed when I started to really look at things. This journey that I have been on with clients and myself has been so eye opening when you start looking at how we are all taught to see things one way, but sometimes we are missing something because we were not taught to look there in the first place. So there was a shift in my thinking and I wrote about coming to terms that there are no absolutes.
If we stop looking at the world in a binary way of Zeros and One - where things are in a state of absolutes we need to start looking at things as if they are in motion. There are studies where we can see the movement and the momentary alinement of atoms and we can start seeing patterns, but those patterns are ever shifting and moving. There are videos like this, and you can do these experiments to see how vibration aligns the sand into patterns. There vibrations and movement all around us at all times, light is a vibration and movement that can be calibrated and split into color spectrums, so can sound. Physics is the study of how motion can be influenced by force; there is nothing lost in this transaction, but there is a shift. So just like I have been writing about in my Manifesto for Social Media our language should include this shift, because our language influences our thoughts and emotions.
This is what led me to start looking at comparative adjectives more; because in the comparison format we now introduce motion to our words.
Without absolutes we strive for things, grow and stretch. I can sentences such as "That was stressful" changed to "That was more stressful than I thought". This allows for there to be motion, so if there was MORE, than there can always be less, Stress not being a constant, but something that is in motion and can be prepared for with practice and training. In my physical conditioning and also in my business coaching, I have said many times that with training that things become "easier" but never "easy". Taking away the absolute of "easy" means that effort still needs to be there; motion, energy, still a sense of urgency and commitment needs to be applied.
In planning or as we make resolutions for the new year, if we add "More importance" to something, we can look to our efforts in a more realistic way. An example would be in the case of someone who wants to lose weight in the next year.
The resolution could be "I want to lose 45 pounds by summer" Which is how we have been trained to set goals or make resolutions. It has an exact figure to base success upon, it has a finite time frame to achieve it by; this is all good, right? I don't care how resolute you are, only two things can happen by summer, you achieved your goal, or you did not. This framework does not give any indication on to HOW the goal will be done, that would take more structure and planning and thus can create more stress because we add things like "I will run twice a week to achieve this goal", or "I will cut out all soft drinks." The structure is all the same, there are only two outcomes from each statement in the end, it does not allow for movement.
Instead I would suggest that "I will add more importance to being fit than on personal "down" time like watching TV". This focuses on the movement first. The structure is all about adding or subtracting. In physics this is how force or influence is measured, and it is a measurement of this force that dictates the results. It gives a plan to how it will be done first. You can now attach a measurement of that movement to that by saying that "my first celebration of success will be at a loss of 45 lbs." This is the result you are looking for, but the influence, the "add or subtract", is the thing that you can change along the way. In math this would be the variable that you need to solve for. The result is predetermined; it is the variable you need to find; solve for f (force).
Comparative adjectives change goal setting, or even making a resolution. They incorporate movement, and the speed of movement can be adjusted along the way. The challenge is that we have always been results oriented, but the results are finite so the personal accountability is either pass or fail; a binary system that does not allow for movement. So being that this is a shift in vocabulary, a shift in thinking for people, this will take effort. It will become easier as time passes if you are resolute in putting in the effort (how much e (effort) will you need to put into your sentence structure, before it less than 1 (e<1), being that e<1 is an automatic function like breathing, there is still effort or energy in breathing, but it is less than a threshold and become automatic.
WOW, this seems like a math class again, or I am back in college physics. Well in a way it is. These are quantifiable expenditures of energy in everything that we can do, so it would make sense that we could put things in a formula to test for truth. Think of it this way, if you have not been getting the results you thought you should, it may not be the conviction or the determination that is doubt, it maybe that you just have not been applying that energy to the right part of the problem.
John "Z" Zeydel - creator of "Managing by Excellence", a thought process to bring the science of movement and momentum into your business for heroic results. 502-777-7892