Put "Just Looking" Customers to Work
Anyone who steps into your store has a reason to be there and is a potential “wants to buy” purchaser. Some are more likely than others: there’s been many times when a ‘just looking’ browser made a purchase, and times when a browser made it clear their partner was in another store and they entered our store out of sheer boredom. In the latter case, when the chances of a purchase are nearly zero, there’s an Protection Plan best practice you can put to use:
Role Play your PROTECTION PLAN with them.
Do you feel uncomfortable explaining what your Protection covers? Or the fine print of your Ts&Cs? Or simply why someone should buy the Protection Plan? Co-opt your ‘Just Looker’ into a role play by testing out your presentation! For example, start your conversation like this:
“Let me tell you something different about our store. We offer a great ?Protection Plan that protects you from what you might do to your purchase when using it!”
“As long as you’re here, did you know we have a great Protection Plan? Unlike many Plans our Protection Plan includes all the fine print necessary to back up our promises to you.”
“By the way, many new visitors come to our store to replace merchandise they’ve broken. I’ve seen it all! That’s one of the reasons we offer our great Protection Plan.”
The wonderful thing about role playing with your Just Lookers is that your mistakes are free! It gives you the liberty to perfect your Protection Plan presentation time and again, so that when you’re with a buying guest you’ll have a perfect presentation when it really counts. And at the very least you end up with a Just Looker who leaves with the knowledge that your Protection Plan is a great reason to shop at your store (even though your presentation was a little clunky).
Instruct your team this week to role play their Just Lookers on the Protection Plan or any other areas they need to work on. Practice makes perfect, and this practice will help you to…Make It Happen!