Put down those things which bring you down

Put down those things which bring you down

If you always feel that everybody wants to take you down. The whole damn world wants to show you that you are not good enough for it. They will hit you so hard that every time you say a word, they break you apart. They'll tear you apart. You are unable to get up throughout. You are lying face down, sweat and blood tricking down your forehead. In all the pain, you see the sun setting down right in front of your eyes further signifying the loss.

If you start believing that you have let everyone down. You lose faith in yourself. A loser image is all you see. Fallen down, broken, unable to get up, and this way they beat you down. I believe that this psychological weakness seen mostly in toxic people is derived from their immature behaviour based on ego. Animals behaviour for example like in Chimpanzees is based on hierarchy of authority and there is a need in animals to frighten the week but fear the strong. It is also monitored in other apes behaviour, where if an individual ape passes by a stronger ape, then the alpha dominating boss demands that others look down and not straight in the eyes - otherwise a younger ape suffers a blow more as a reminder of who is stronger and who is inferior.

But those people who lack self confidence feel a horrifying gap in their psychology. To fill the gap, one has to work hard on self-development and maturity, developing wisdom, cooperation, openness, and enjoyable relationships with others. This requires efforts and determination for continual self improvement such as a dignified human being. People can do that because we have the capacity for self-mastery. Immature mind - like in animals - is based on instincts not on self-mastery.

By the way to achieve maturity and self-control is too much for animalistic layer of the mind, which fills its psychological gap by seeking to find weaker person to inflict harm and hurt - foolishly thinking that this is a proof that one is “strong”. It is a path of psychopaths. Then whenever a truly strong, mature and wise person appears in the situation, then the foolish psychopath is reduced to ruin, because a truly strong person is unaffected by small spirit of behaviour. It is possible to defeat bullies by showing higher wisdom and capacities.

Of course if someone produces sufferings to others, then - according to Buddhism - this has been recorded in one’s record of subconsciousness (karma) - and one will without doubt face the consequences. We all are on a consensus and complete approval that they were gracious in at least allowing you to live. You count our last breath waiting for someone to pick you up. No one really comes forward even when people are rather happy that you are down. They always envied you. They hated your brilliance. They watch you setting down with the sun. You are beaten down and they become successful in their attempt. Every time they tried to get you down, you only became stronger. Stronger than their wildest dreams, their wildest fears. They start fleeing and they don’t want to mess with you any more. You were a warrior they had created. They are all laughing at you. But it’s not over. You take a deep breath once, and try to get up. They punch you hard. You get back up again. They punch you again. you get up back and again and again because you are a born fighter. Stay blessed! #kishoreshintre #possessedbywritingspirit #ks1000articles


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