Put the Brakes on Your Stress
Sara Regester, RN, BSN, NBC-HWC
Stress Mastery Expert, Health and Wellness Coach
You may have noticed the current trend for “breakthrough” scientific articles about Vagal Nerve Stimulation and references to the “poly-vagal theory” to improve your health.
In a nutshell- your Vagus nerve helps you “put the brakes on” your stress response. It is part of your Parasympathetic Nervous System that is the anecdote to the fight, flight, or freeze stress response. The Vagus nerve is linked to the “Rest and Digest” response to slow down your heart rate and breathing and decrease the amped-up stress hormone response so you can relax. It controls the involuntary functions of digestion, heart rate, and breathing.
The left and right vagal cranial nerve fibers relay information between your brain, your heart, your lungs, and your digestive system. They run along each side of your neck from your brain to your gut.
The good news about this natural built-in stress resilience system is that you stimulate these nerve bundles every time you take long, slow breaths. Breathing slowly down into your belly is key to creating calm during moments of mindful awareness. When you feel anxious or stressed, pausing to take a few long deep breaths is key to putting the brakes on to slow down your anxious stressed system.
Other ways to stimulate the calming effect of the Rest and Digest system are when you sing, chant, hum, have a good laugh, or exercise. Both the vibration of the vocal cords and the slow deep inhales and exhales will naturally stimulate your Vagus nerve system to put the brakes on your stress response and facilitate calm.
Two specific practices for mindful awareness directly trigger this calming response.
The Pause-Notice-Choose practice can be done anywhere, anytime in a meeting, in the car, or at your desk. It acts like an instant stress reboot. This is how it works:
4-7-8 Breath (or any count of Box Breathing) This one is good for quieting a busy mind and calming overwhelmed or triggered emotions. It comes from Dr. Andrew Weil, MD, from Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine.
Repeat for 4 cycles
You will see a lot of research on the benefits of Vagus Nerve Stimulation from the medical standpoint and you can start working with your built-in system today.
For more Stress Mastery Tools and Tips check out my book on Amazon and Audible:
You can schedule your Stress Mastery Consultation or Workshop at www.Directions4Wellness.com