Put the Big Stones in First – On Prioritizing and Continuous Growth
Andrea Lewis
Curator of Experiences | Event Enthusiast | Community Catalyst | Creator of Content that Resonates | Storyteller | Project Management | Communications Champion | Dragonflies Admirer
One of my favorite Yoga instructors once told a story in the class about a wise man and his disciples. The wise man had an empty glass jar and a pile of stones next to it. He held up the jar and placed some medium sized pebbles into it. He asked his disciples if it was full. “No,” they replied. He then placed small pebbles into it. The students agreed that it was full. The wise man poured some sand into the jar. “Now, it is full.” Said the students. Indeed, it was full. But the wise man still had some larger stones left. He repeated the experiment, this time starting with the large pebbles. Then, the medium sized, and then the sand filled the jar. No stones remained on the ground next to the wise man. Each time he’d put stones, he’d ask the students whether the jar was full.
The story of the wise man and his jar serves as a powerful metaphor for how we approach our professional goals. Just like in the exercise, the larger stones represent the most significant, long-term objectives we aim for in our careers. If we focus on these first, we ensure that we prioritize our most important professional aspirations. However, this doesn't mean neglecting the smaller, seemingly less critical tasks that support our overall success. These are represented by the smaller pebbles and the sand.
In a professional context, the “big stones” might be goals like advancing in our career, developing new skills, or pursuing impactful projects. If we place these at the forefront of our workday, making time for strategic planning, professional development, and high-priority tasks, we make progress towards our long-term vision. But it is essential that we don’t ignore the smaller, everyday responsibilities that contribute to our success: meeting deadlines, managing teams, or maintaining our network. These smaller tasks are the sand and pebbles that keep everything moving smoothly and provide the structure to our larger goals.
As an extension to this interpretation, the story speaks of continuous improvement; there is always room to refine and enhance our performance. Just like the wise man could always fit more into the jar, there are always ways we can grow—whether it’s through learning new techniques, seeking feedback, or re-evaluating how we allocate our time. Professional growth doesn’t stop once we achieve a major milestone; there is always another level to reach, a skill to develop, or a new challenge to conquer.
The key is accountability. By staying committed to our “big” goals and holding ourselves responsible for making incremental progress every day, we create an environment where both large ambitions and small tasks are treated with respect and focus. It’s a constant balancing act. Pushing toward big goals without neglecting the smaller tasks that keep everything in motion. When we treat our professional life like the wise man's jar, we ensure that we’re making room for both the grand aspirations and the day-to-day responsibilities that contribute to our success.