Pushing the boundaries
Another group pushes the limits on what we thought was possible, along the way setting a new benchmark for a technical challenge. Just on one year ago we ran the first Allseas Leadership workshop and since then each workshop, or to be precise the participants, have challenged and redefined the limits.
The workshops place a strong emphasis on connecting leadership skills and behaviours to the type of culture that we want to sustain. Participants come from diverse backgrounds from all parts of the globe, each with a unique perspective and skill set. There is always a strong connection between the people and a sense of passion for their work.
The workshop covers a range of topics and with a focus on communication, because itsustains cultureand it is the life blood of an organisation. Real communication flows two-ways. Understanding the importance of this Senior Allseas leadership play a key role in the workshops, creating the opportunity for some very robust discussions. This has helped all parts of the organisation to learn from each other.
The workshop has evolved and changed as we have learnt from each other, constantly challenging what we know, what we accept and what is possible, . Looking at Allseas history and its current operations, it is no surprise that there is a palpable desire to innovate, with participants always looking for better and smarter ways to work, and a clear understanding that Allseas reputation is built on delivering results with precision.
While originally intended as a fun way to tie the different themes of the course together, one of the ways that the Allseas spirit has shone through is in the amazing ways that participants have found to collaborate and improve the times to complete a technical challenge by nearly 350% since the first workshop.
Personally it is very rewarding and a great learning experience to work with such a highly motivated team who constantly challenge the boundaries.