Pushing Boundaries: How METTOP and Wuppermann addressed production challenges
At METTOP, we seldom accept technical limitations as fixed. For us, “it can’t be done” marks the beginning of careful deliberation and innovation. With a clear focus on our customers' success, we strive to redefine what is possible.
A special thanks to Wuppermann-Group for allowing us to share this joint project, demonstrating that:
·???????? technological boundaries can be pushed,
·???????? quality improvements are achievable,
·???????? safety standards can be elevated, and
·???????? production capacities can be significantly increased.
The starting point: A technical challenge
Wuppermann faced the challenge of the Zn/Mg bath overheating during hot dip galvanizing. Once the bath temperature exceeded a critical threshold, the sheet quality could no longer be guaranteed. Initially, this was resolved by halting the coating campaigns after three hours stop the line to lower the temperature of the bath back again. However, these repeated interruptions severely impacted output, necessitating an efficient solution that would:
·???????? significantly extend campaign durations and
·???????? ensure safe cooling operations.
The Approach: Safe Cooling with IL-B2001
Building on the success of previous projects, METTOP proposed the use of the ionic cooling medium IL-B2001. Since there was no prior experience with its application in a zinc melt, pre-tests were conducted at Montanuniversit?t Leoben.
The tests demonstrated minimal interaction between the zinc melt and the cooling medium, with no changes in the bath composition. As a result, concerns about possible contamination of the Zn/Mg bath were entirely dispelled.
Successful tests at the customer facility
Following the positive lab results, initial tests were conducted directly at the customer facility. Remarkably, these trials extended the campaign duration from 3 to over 6 hours—more than doubling production time. Notably, this was achieved using only a single cooling loop.
From Prototype to Full-Scale Industrial Plant
Inspired by these promising results, a fully industrialized system was designed, planned, and installed. Over the course of two years, a customized solution was developed to meet the spatial constraints of the facility.
The system comprises of a total cooling capacity of 1,500 kW, distributed across three supply lines. Each line provides a cooling output of 400–500 kW. Removable cooling loops enable flexibility to adapt to varying production conditions.
The Outcome: Continuous Production and Enhanced Quality
What began as a two-hour production limit, followed by extensive downtime for maintenance, has evolved into the possibility of continuous 24/7 operation. In addition to a significant increase in production output, strip quality was also enhanced, and the risks associated with water cooling were entirely eliminated.
A Forward-Looking Conclusion
Philipp Weilguni , Project Manager and Head of R&D, summarizes:
“From the initial concept to the final implementation, this was an exciting project that ultimately enables us to produce Zn/Mg-coated sheet at the highest quality—profitably.”
This project is a remarkable example of how innovative solutions and close collaboration can push boundaries through innovation.