Pushing the Boundaries & Enabling the Future
375 AES C-130 Fuselage Trainer

Pushing the Boundaries & Enabling the Future

A Q&A with the Lieutenant MSCs of the 375th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron

Authors: 1st Lt Rachael Kellogg , 1st Lt Debbie Tucker , 2d Lt Matthew Malone

Q: What is Aeromedical Evacuation?

?? Aeromedical Evacuation, also referred to as AE, encompasses all aspects of medical care, support, staging, and transport of patients starting the moment a request for movement has been received, through the final destination at a higher echelon of definitive care.?

?? AE utilizes USAF and/or contracted aircraft to provide time-sensitive intra- and inter-theater movement of patients to and between medical treatment facilities (MTFs). The AE system is a subset of the overall patient movement system and works hand-in-hand with the En Route Patient Staging System (ERPSS) to stabilize and transport patients. An example of AE patient movement would be from an ERPSS facility to Landstuhl Regional Medical Center (LRMC) or LRMC to a stateside MTF.?

?? AE forces can operate as far forward as an aircraft is able to conduct air operations and can be utilized and embedded across joint military operations. Aircraft used for AE missions must have medical aircrew trained explicitly for the mission, aircraft operations and procedures, and use of specialty flight-approved medical equipment.

?? Specialty medical care teams can be assigned to work alongside AE personnel to support intensive care patients that require highly specialized and monitored medical care. Specialty teams include the Critical Care Air Transport Team (CCATT), Burn Team, and Neonatal Intensive Care Team.

?? To sum it all up, we do cool things, in cool places, with cool people and take patient care to the air.?

If you’re interested in reading more about AE and enroute patient care, refer to DAFI 48-107v1.

“MSCs often work behind the scenes executing the global patient movement mission, but are vital to mission planning, coordination, and success. MSCs are located at every step of the patient movement process. From readying AE and Patient Movement forces, to ensuring their efficient deployment, and coordinating between AOC, AMC, and USTRANSCOM staffs, MSCs are integral to the planning, logistics, training, resource management and ground support for over 4.1K patients moved through the AE system annually.” - Capt Sarah Berheide, MSC, AMC Readiness Fellow

Q: What roles do MSCs fill in AE (both traditional and non-traditional)?

Traditional Roles - Operations Support Flight

?? The Operations Support Flight is responsible for the execution of all AES ground support. It is composed of elements that you would find in either a Medical Support Squadron (MDSS) or Healthcare Operations Squadron (HCOS). Elements include Resource Management, Command Support Staff, Systems, Logistics, Facilities, and Readiness.

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1st Lt Kellogg setting up equipment in the aircraft for launch

?? What makes our operations different than an MTF? All our funding and manpower comes from the Wing and AMC without DHA involvement. Our Systems element consists of Radio Frequency (RF) Transmission communications troops (1Ds) who you would traditionally find in a base Communications Squadron. Our loggies are responsible for the medical supply requirements of all in-flight kits used by every AES in the world, on top of their normal squadron tasks of medication resupply and pushing out UTC equipment packages. Finally, our Readiness element supports more than deployments; they prep the squadron for multiple fly-away exercises each year, provide training?to the Wing on the Air Force Force Generation (AFFORGEN) model, and deploy personnel for the Immediate Response Force (IRF) on a moment’s notice.?

?? Our AES is also solely responsible for supporting 3 deployed Operating Locations (OLs) located at Travis, Kelly, and Andrews. This requires the Flight to be prepared for any funding or equipment requests to be handled immediately to prevent OL mission stoppage and to continue patient movement around the country.

MSCs in the Operations Support Flight will fill the roles of Flight Commander, RMO/CSS/Systems Element Leader, and Readiness/Logistics Element Leader. This may sound like it’s an easy job, but when you add in the complications of being in a flying medical unit in the OG, providing all ground-support for AE missions, supporting 3 OLs, and having constant deployers, you can say life in the AES is filled with amazing opportunities to see and do things you would never experience inside an MTF.

Non-Traditional Roles - Operations Flight

?? The Operations Flight is responsible for the execution of the AE mission calendar. The scheduling, planning, and mission management elements of this flight work in tandem to coordinate all mission requirements with flying units, ensure sorties are appropriately manned, and facilitate setup and recovery for missions. MSCs and other support personnel assigned to the Ops Flight provide direction, continuity, and administrative support for daily workloads. This assignment provides MSCs with unique opportunities by immersing them in the processes involved in the support of joint and coalition forces through aeromedical movements.

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1st Lt Tucker moulaging manniquines for a training mission

?? MSCs assigned to AE are often tasked with performing duties that aren’t typically practiced in an MTF setting. They might find themselves setting up stanchions in a C-130, completing pre- and post-mission reports, or even acting as a patient to assist in training missions. However, MSCs’ administrative and leadership skills are imperative to the Ops Flight, where they utilize this expertise to get medics on planes in order to provide lifesaving and mission critical care. MSCs assigned to Ops Flight will fill the roles of Flight Commander, Planning Element Leader, Scheduling Element Leader, and Mission Management Element Leader. Overall, it is a highly rewarding assignment for any who enjoy the challenges of working under deadlines, solving problems creatively, and collaborating with diverse and numerous teams.

?? While all AF healthcare workers play a pivotal role in preparing and safeguarding the military’s most valuable resources, working in AE offers a different perspective. Being a part of this team gives MSCs the opportunity to have a direct impact on the AE mission. MSCs see firsthand the execution of the readiness mission and the impact a healthy and ready force has on global mobility. Flexibility and adaptability are crucial to meet the constantly changing requirements associated with the evolving needs of the AE mission. The experiences and skills gained from an assignment in the AE have a positive and valuable impact on both the MSC and the military healthcare system.

“Joining AE and joining the Operations Flight has been equally eye-opening and rewarding as an MSC officer. If you like readiness and want to experience and drive operations as an MSC officer, Operations Flight and AE deployments have been the most rewarding experiences of my career so far.” - Capt Christian K., MBA, CHFP , MSC, 375 AES Operations Flight, Flight Commander

Q: How do readiness and deployments operate compared to an MTF?

?? Enablers…that’s the way a member who has been assigned to an Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron is coded from the moment they walk in the door, regardless of job role. We enable the mission at a moment’s notice and with that comes many differences from our traditional MTF MSC counterparts.

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2d Lt Malone setting up C-130 stantions for litter patients

?? To date, 375 AES Readiness supports 112 AES members in all readiness, medical, and training day needs. Last year, the 375 AES deployed 24 members to 5 different AORs in support of 4 COCOMs. We supported 2 Installation-wide fly-away exercises maintaining readiness taskings for 67 members (totaling over 3.2K requirements). We flew over 250 patients on over 120 sorties with a 100% survivability. These requirements come in at a constant rate, with inputs from MAJCOM, Wing, and Group levels, on the daily.?

?? AE is comprised of 7 different Air Force Specialty Codes (AFSCs) to include Flight Nurses (X046F3), Aeromedical Evacuation Technicians (4N0X1), Medical Service Corp Officers (041A3), Health Service Managers (4A0X1), Medical Logisticians (4A1X1), Squadron Aviation Resource Manager (1C0X1), and Communications Specialists (1D0X1). For MSCs, standard UTCs include the Aeromedical Evacuation Operations Team (AEOT) and Aeromedical Evacuation Liaison Team (AELT). At the core of an AEOT, an MSC will direct all launch and recovery of AE missions, and at the core of an AELT, an MSC will embed with joint services to teach the AE process utilizing TRAC2ES and work themselves out of a job.

?? On top of all of this, you can tag on the additional ground duties you learn as a “non-flyer” to help?operate, maintain, and sustain ground operations while your 46Fs and 4Ns are off saving the world in a grey tail.???

?? We have to go through Ground Operations Training (completed in-house), Aeromedical Evacuation Patient Staging Course (AEPSC), Non-Pressurized Connex (NPC), BLS, TCCC CSM, CBRN, and Combat Arms (we have to be qualified 24/7/365).?

?? Being part of the AE family has allowed us to see first-hand how operational AE is challenging, rewarding, and worth everything the hype has led up to be. If you’re wondering what it’s like, or want a first-hand account, please feel free to reach out. The MSC’s holding down the fort here at the 375 AES are always willing to show our MSC super friends what we get to do in this crazy career field!

Q: How do DHA and MHS-G fit into AE?

Long story short, they don’t. DHA and MHS-G are not currently part of the AE mission. Falling under the OG means that we operate on AFNet, we report to the Wing, AMC A3, and TRANSCOM, and since MHS-G is not built for in-flight or theater operations, we use AHLTA-T for patient documentation. Even our email addresses end in us.af.mil. We can’t speak for the future, but at this time DHA and MHS-G are not part of AE.

Q: How do you join AE?

Talk to your leadership and let them you want to try AE! We take members that want to join, learn, and grow in a fast-fasted, high-ops environment.?

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The Lieutenant MSCs of the 375 AES

“MSCs are a vital piece of Aeromedical Evacuation and are crucial to the safe and effective transport of patients either in-garrison or downrange.?MSCs in an AE capacity deploy anywhere across the theater of major combat operations; whether it be Ramstein Germany, Al Udeid Air Base Qatar, Ali Al Saleem Kuwait, Camp Lemonnier Djibouti Africa or forward deployed to operating bases working with Joint partners in Iraq, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Syria, etc. No matter if it’s in support of DSCA operations in response to a hurricane in Texas, volcano relief efforts in Guatemala, or responding to suicide attacks or a NEO in Afghanistan...no Aeromedical Evacuation mission gets off the ground without an MSC’s help (whether you’re a 1Lt or Lt Col).?MSCs are trained to serve in a variety of Aeromedical Evacuation positions to include on deployed command teams, both as Commander and Director of Operations;?AE Liaison Teams, where they imbed with an Army or Navy medical unit to help train, facilitate, and package patients for movement; and AE Operations Teams, where they execute all facets of C2 with AE crews and CCAT Teams and their missions, cradle to grave. Our administrative skillsets, our ability to make accurate, immediate, tactical, operational, and strategic decisions, our ability to apply critical thinking strategies and to remain physically and mentally fit to perform under stress make MSCs a tremendous asset to AE. There is simply no better job in the United States Air Force than being assigned to an Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron. Our roles, responsibilities, actions, and decisions directly (and indirectly) impact getting America's sons and daughters to higher levels of medical care when needed and subsequently back home to their families and loved ones. There is no better calling or sense of urgency, reward, and pride than that. IYKYK. AE absolutely is a weapon system and since its inception, has provided the DOD a strategic competitive advantage in every military operation.?AEROVAC Brings’em Back! Always Ready! Let’s go!” - Lt Col Mark Hassett , MSC, 375 AES Director of Operations
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375 AES Mascot: OTTO (On Time Take Off)

Great article and I hope there are MSC's that will join AE. I served at the 57th AES, Det.1 375AAW, McGuire AFB Detachment and HQ MAC/SGX in AE and then moved into Medical Readiness at HQ MAC/SGX and HQ USAFE/SGX. Lots of interesting issues to solve and I got to see a lot of the world. Do MSC's still receive hazardous duty pay and fly every month? My most important job at the 57th when launching the C-9A AE missions was to check for blue water in the latrine and get the plane off in time. Great people made for a great job.

TJ O'Neil

Nephrologist Pretending to Be Retired

1 年

After running the LATAM leg of the AE effort as 24MDG/CC in Panama for closure, I was SGH at the 375th and also with HQAMC/SG Office during the Air-Evac 2000 effort that transformed AE from an operation tied to a single aircraft —- the C9 Nightingale —- to an aircraft-of-opportunity flexible global capability. Currently, I’m working with the CCAT with AFWERX SBIR support to bring a simple, robust, inexpensive and easy-to-use device into FDA-approved reality which encloses, protects and secures the bloodline-catheter connection point during strategic AE of injured Servicemembers who have suffered acute kidney failure. It absolutely amazes me that the AF can now transport a patient on continuous kidney replacement treatment over 21 hours with mid-air refueling from a FOL to Brooke Army or Walter Reed. What an incredible mission capability! But frankly, having spent a career supporting the AF mission, that incredible capability is just what one would expect of such a powerful organization. Congratulations and good hunting! Terrence Jay O’Neil MD FACP FASN COLUSAFMC(Ret)

Robert LaGesse

Former Executive Director and Chief Operations Executive at East Carolina University Physicians

1 年

I served in the 57th AES from 1973 to 1976. It I assume was the precursor to the 375th AES. We had our own aircraft in those days, the vaunted C-9. I can remember those days with very fond memories.

Bonnie B.

Regional Administrative Director Electrophysiology Labs

1 年

AE is an amazing mission and this highlights the MSCs on how they support this mission…. This is a total force mission so if you have a desire to serve and AD isn’t the right choice at this time don’t forget that the Guard and Reserves have opportunities for you to serve in AE!

Nick Gumley

USAF Medical Service Corps Officer

1 年

Cowabunga, dude & dudettes!! On point and soaring to the future, your article summarizes the essence of AE as an MSC. Fantastic jobs on capturing the facts and including first-hand perspectives that other MSCs can relate to and choose to join this INCREDIBLE mission!


