Pushed to the brink by a government who made a "means"? into the only goal. Root Cause of the Canadian Freedom Convoy 2022 & Blockades
The Freedom Convoy 2022

Pushed to the brink by a government who made a "means" into the only goal. Root Cause of the Canadian Freedom Convoy 2022 & Blockades

The Freedom Convoy 2022 has both inspired and angered people across the nation and around the globe. I covered the convoy entering Calgary and then subsequently went down to check out and interview truckers, farmers & supporters at the Coutts Alberta border crossing into Montana.

After seeing my posts on Wowtrucks, I had a long time friend in the industry reach out to me on Facebook and comment that he couldn't believe I would support the blockade.

My answer was simple: Blockades aren't great. I do however have a ton of empathy for the people involved. While the danger of any movement like this is that some bad eggs will creep in and try to latch themselves to it, the vast majority of people involved in these blockades are really really REALLY good people. They are not the racists, misognyists and homophobes that our Prime Minister is labelling them as. I know them. Since 2008, I've used my passion for photography to tell their story through the Wowtrucks Calendar. and the question I am raising with this post is:

Did they have any other choice?

While the obvious answer is yes, they could have just shut up and gone home, the reality given the environment that has been created is maybe not.

For those of you who follow me you know that my passion around the leadership training I do is the power of an environment to influence behaviour. Environments can either make really good people do bad things or really bad people start to clean up their act.

My perception: The toxicity of the current environment in our nation gave these truckers few other options. The root of the current toxicity in my mind is that the government has insisted on making a "means to the goal of public health" the "only goal".

So I want to use this article to shed light on that environment and comment on the role I believe the industry and our governments should play in the current circumstance. I do so out of the frustration and sadness that the environment that has been currently created has divided and pitted normally awesome Canadians against each other that really don't need to be. If they stepped back I believe they would find they agree on a lot more than they disagree on.

I don't need to be right but instead I submit my perspective to help us find the right thing to do.

Environmental Influence #1: This is what happens when no-one is listening and you have nowhere else to turn.

There are many players in the current drama. Here are the major players in today's environment that spurred on the Freedom Convoy and now the border blockades (which as of me finishing this post are now being dismantled by police across the country):

  1. The Truckers and trucking companies who are involved and support the convoy
  2. The Truckers and trucking companies who don't support the convoy seeing it as a black eye on an industry full of great people trying to build a positive reputation
  3. Governments spanning Federal / Provincial and Municipal
  4. Businesses impacted by the convoy & blockades
  5. Trucking Associations
  6. Tens of thousands of Canadians of all walks who have lined the Overpasses and Highways of our country

True to human nature, each one of these players have their own interests and things that are important to them. As humans, we all scream when what is important to us is threatened or taken away.

The biggest difference in this situation is that the cross border drivers that have lost their employment, unlike the other players have little recourse at their disposal. They had/have no where to go and that reality is the driving force behind the blockades we've seen.

Stephen Covey, International leadership author & guru has suggested this about the word important: The definition of importance is the existence of a consequence. If there is no consequence, it is hard for something to be important.

As I mentioned: in our current environment I believe the blockades are driven by an unequal ability to apply consequences.

  1. The Federal Government certainly has the ability to apply consequences. As of January 15th if you are a cross border driver you were mandated to be fully vaccinated for Covid 19 or else you lost the ability to cross the border which meant you had to find Canadian only routes or you lost your job and/or company. You also lost your right to claim Employment Insurance or any other government benefit/relief. Additionally, if you are now captured to be part of any convoy the federal minister of transport is threatening to take your license away and also talking about establishing interprovincial mandates that would tighten the noose further. They carry a big stick and are justifying the use of it pointing to something they find extremely important: The health & safety of Canadians.
  2. The Trucking Associations across the country represent the voice of the industry and with power created by the weight of the entire industry behind them to help even the small owner operator get action from government on the things that were important to them. Specific to the Covid Vaccination Mandates for cross border drivers they were invited by federal ministers to a consultation session. At this session, associations did attempt to stand up to the government for the rights of the drivers affected. Per a source I have, that was in the room, the feedback was unanimous across every provincial association. The recommendation to the federal government was to not establish mandates based on three main reasons: 1. It was the wrong time with Supply Chain already struggling and this move threatening to take anywhere from 10,000 - 25,000 additional truckers off the road. 2. Out of consideration to many of the drivers, who in the initial year of the pandemic when there were no vaccines or treatments, were our heroes and still climbed in their truck cabs to get essential supplies delivered to Canadians and 3. That the environment that drivers exist in make them low risk to spread Covid. In the end the government listened, said thank you but replied that they were going to do mandates effective January 15 anyways.
  3. Businesses small and large that are affected by the blockades are understandably fuming as they are restricting the movement of their products, thus revenue. There are many reports of these same companies driving out to these blockades and taking names off the side of trucks. You know there will be a consequence when any sense of normalcy returns and they can choose who hauls their freight.

That brings us to the non vaccinated cross border driver who has been forced to quickly pivot their business if they can or lose their job and all sources of income for their family. When your livelihood and ability to provide for your family is at stake it obviously becomes an important issue to them which brings us to the Stephen Covey question: What consequences can they apply to stress the importance of their position? Or do we expect them just to go home and suffer in silence as an act of patriotism to our country?

Government leaders and Trucking association leaders are encouraging them to hold peaceful rallies that don't disrupt and call / write their Federal MP to express their point of view and concern.

The truth is that many of the truckers I've talked to have already done those things and gotten the same form letter back acknowledging their concerns and telling them they will make their voice known. They've had their associations try and stand up for them only to be rejected by the government.

To Stephen Covey's point.. neither of the options recommended to these truckers are likely going to lead to change because neither involve a consequence to the government that would have them see the matter as important. Most all of the other players in this game, no matter how much they try and support these truckers have the comfort of knowing they will still get a pay deposit into their bank account at the end of the month. For cross border drivers affected by the mandates the news isn't that comforting. They lose.

2 short years ago (okay they seem REEEAAALLLY long).. these same drivers were hailed as heroes and now they are being told to shut up, go home and stop being all the names that are being hurled at them by the very government they serve and truth be told by others in the trucking industry who understandably are fidgety and screaming inside:

"Dude.. can't you just roll up your sleeve and take one or two or three or four for the team? ... this would be all over! PLEASE!!!!"

It hasn't helped that our governments in an effort to turn up the heat, have positioned vaccination as 'the' test of your love of this country and value as a citizen. We've heard many federal , provincial and municipal leaders use terms like "Good Canadians have" or "Do as responsible Canadians have". It infers very clearly that if you haven't, then you may be all the nasty things the prime minister has labelled these protestors as being.

The question is: Is that true?

Unconscious bias is usually driven by a lack of knowledge so I have been engaging in conversations with the unvaxxed in trucking. We all speak and act out of what we experience and know. I wanted to find out more about the source of their vaccine hesitancy/opposition.

The first thing I began to witness was that the vast majority of those unvaxxed for Covid 19 are not what I would call "Anti-Vaxxers". They themselves and their families are fully vaccinated otherwise with the standard list of vaccines Canadian Public Health have recommended and administered. They just had reservations, fears and doubts about these Covid vaccines.

They aren't typically avid followers of twitter, Facebook and other social media bots and trolls whose sole goal is to stir up fear with emotional stories that have no base in reality. More often than not they are hesitant or opposed to these vaccines because of what they have seen with some or many of their friends and family. Strokes, myocarditis, tremors, bleeding and death. Albeit forecasted as rare, these are all recognized as potential severe reactions to the vaccines and to the point of speaking and acting from what we know it is driving their opposition and hesitancy to get vaccinated.

Mind you, every single story they told could be classified as circumstantial. There is no way to directly link them to the vaccine. It is true to say that both:

1) If you are looking to blame vaccines for severe reactions you will find more than there actually is


2) If you aren't looking for severe reactions from vaccines, they could be right under your nose and you wouldn't see them.

They acknowledge the circumstantial nature of their stories but ask the question: Shouldn't hundreds of these stories have us asking more questions?

The truth is hard to find and it doesn't help that the current environment is more about 'dictation from' than 'dialogue with'

Dialogue can help.

Here is the dilemma:

If the way out of our current circumstance revolved solely around a conversation of the safety and efficacy of vaccines there would be no way out of a metaphorical world war amongst families, friends, industries and communities. Canadians have widely differing opinions on the topic.

Luckily: I don't believe the world of vaccines has to divide us.

I believe if the government had the right goals that argument would be irrelevant and Canadians could come together under a tent where 99 percent of them agree.

so consider this:

2) Environmental Influence Two: The Wrong Goal?

I don't disagree that it is the federal government's responsibility to keep Canadians safe and healthy during this pandemic. In my humble opinion the current situation is a product of an environment with mandates that make the main goal something that should be a "means" to the end goal.

The only goal the government is currently considering is: "Are you fully vaccinated or not?"

When vaccination status becomes the singular point of reference/ thing that matters we've all seen the carnage that comes out of that. My wife and I alone could list 5 marriages that have split over the tensions arising from the issue. We know countless families that no longer speak to each other over that issue. Friends who are no longer friends abound .. It is trying to tear the fabric of our society apart.

What do I know? Not much.. the truth is hard to get at. I believe that yes: vaccinations have proven themselves to be one way to reduce hospitilizations, ICU cases and deaths. I also believe the hundreds to thousands of 'circumstantial' stories Canadians have, should at least cause us to question if the number of lives harmed and ended by these same vaccines are more than the government wants to admit. But the truth is I DON"T KNOW and it feels good just to admit that.

What if "not knowing" was okay? What if that didn't matter? What if we didn't have to constantly swim in that pool of doubt, fear and anger?

I believe we'd get out of that toxic space if our leaders changed the goal and more specifically used the new goal to address the current cross border mandates.

Instead of "Are you fully vaccinated or not" the question in my mind should be "Are you safe or not?"

I believe that one change alone could start to mend the tears in the fabric of our great nation. I think 99 percent of Canadians agree on three things: 1. We don't want more people dying from Covid than need die. 2. We don't want to overwhelm our doctors & nurses who are heroes during this pandemic and 3. The PTSD caused by the trauma of these past 2 years will have generational consequences and needs to be minimized.

When you change the goal to "Are you safe" it opens up choices for Canadians as to how to do that. After all being Canadian should not be dependent on your vaccination status.. it does revolve around our international reputation for being kind, caring and respectful of others, unless you happen to meet us on an Olympic ice hockey rink or, in a new twist, the upcoming World Cup of Soccer fields in Qatar. Go Canada Go! :O)

Here is how I apply the goal of being respectful by acting in a safe manner to our cross border truckers:

The Trucker Metaphor

If you wanted to protect your child from an intruder in your home you would ask them to quickly go to their room and lock the door while you dealt with the situation. Metaphorically that is the reality of the daily life of a long distance cross border driver. Their "room" is the cab of their truck. They spend 10 - 13 hours a day locked in it driving down the road, usually alone or in the case of team drivers with the same person in the other seat.

When they reach their load's destination they encounter loading docks that out of safety precautions during Covid have moved their shipping/lading document process to be done electronically. This means the driver and customer can exchange their paperwork through their phones.

The government should recognize that their natural working environment is inherently more isolated (thus safe) than many non trucking Canadians who are said to be currently isolating themselves for cautionary reasons.

On top of that many drivers who have lost their jobs told me that they offered to pay for testing 2 or 3 times a week to ensure they were not being a health hazard to those around them during this period and that this offer was rejected.

I think it's beyond insane and punitive that our government is punishing 15000+ families in Canada based on their vaccine preference.

If they move the goal to "Are you safe?" they allow Canadians the FREEDOM to choose how they will respect the greater good and bring us all under the unity tent we belong under.

So What Next?

I've always told people that they can complain all they want as long as they also provide possible solutions. I'll apply that to myself in this scenario. Here is what I believed needed to happen and now is too late as I watch police move in to these blockades under a Federal Emergency Act Measure.

1) The Canadian Trucking Association should re-engage in a larger way if they aren't already and become the negotiating face for these members of their family.

They gave the government advice that was rejected and forced many trucking families into a corner. As these truckers rolled across Canada tens of thousands of Canadians packed overpasses waving flags and carrying signs that said "Thank YOU Truckers". The Convoy became more than just the plight of truckers who faced loss of job because of the mandate. They have become the lions of justice for many Canadians who have felt marginalized during this period. As such, many groups who have no connection to trucking have supported and latched on to the convoy. Many of these groups, like the truckers, are awesome, peace loving people who are simply fighting for the right to choose. While they may very well help the truckers get the outcome they want are now their de-facto representatives. Given the animosity and slander that has risen between these groups and the federal government it has created an environment where neither side has room to "give a little" ... ie. have a rational discussion.

The re-insertion of national trucking associations into the dialogue and negotiations could create a safe back door for the successful resolution of the current stand off.

What still should happen is this:

2) The Federal Government should move from their stubborn assertion that Full Vaccination can be the only goal.

Full vaccination is one means towards keeping Canadians safe but there are many other ways. The isolation of cross border truckers is another. Making a means the only goal is tearing Canadians apart.

I understand that many Canadians are going to be angry at the truckers and others who formed these blockades and from what they see and hear that anger is understandable. I get it.

This post is meant as one small counter narrative. I want to plant a seed of information that may have you realize:

The environment created through a lack of leadership by our federal government (setting the wrong goal) and the divisive language they piled on with their stubbornness to stick to it is at the root cause of what has and will transpire.

I believe these blockades didn't need to happen. The right goal still can keep 15000 families in Canada employed and stable while not and affecting the safety of Canadians in this pandemic. These truckers and their families have been isolated and punished by our government and they deserve our support. I'd also encourage you to write or call your MP asking them to apply some common sense change in this situation. If you get the form letter back: Congrats! you've still done your job. Next election.. make sure that your VOTE sends a clear and loud message.

I'll end with this: Convoys aren't new to trucking. They are an age old expression of community and unity. Here is a video I took of a recent convoy in the Drumheller Alberta region. A trucker had a fire on their property burn their truck & equipment. in -35C temperatures a group of truckers & community formed a convoy to support this man and his family. They brought food, parts and cash to let him know he wasn't alone and to ensure he would be okay. Supplied with more than he needed, Travis gave the excess back to needy families in his community. This is the true heart of trucking. Amazing people with a heart of gold, an eye for community and absolutely dedicated and committed to what they do. They deserve our support.

Here is a Convoy of Truckers last December hauling food and toys to needy families in the Edmonton Area. 67 Big Rigs doing good for kids and supporting family in the region.

As you watch the images in these videos, ask yourself this question:

If the driver in that trucker happened to be unvaccinated, do you feel you are in danger as they pass you on the road?

Safety is a good goal. Making Vaccination status for cross border truckers a prerequisite to keeping their job is not. If you got it, a truck brought it.

A recent industry magazine article was entitled "It is time for truckers to go". I agree, no one likes protests and blockades. If the industry and empathetic Canadian citizens stepped up firmly behind them it could speed that up.

Exageration weakens your point. As the prime minister called this group a fringe minority with unacceptable views.

I think they are more acceptable than the Prime Minister realizes.

Benjamin Haab

Owner/CEO at Eagle Vision Video Productions Ltd.

1 年

Recommend watching unacceptabledoc.ca

Karen Matthews

KM Quality Consulting

3 年

Thanks for Your perspectives here, you are more involved with the trucking industry so have some really good insights into that entire world. I am very saddened that it has come to this point - and you are correct the division in people reminds me of the American Civil War where North vs South was a huge divide in peoples beliefs and values. I have not followed the whole situation closely, so I just have one question that lingers for me. IF I have to have a proof of vaccine card and a Covid negative test to leave Canada and enter the US, either by plane or road; and have to have the same on re-entry to Canada, I just do not understand why this would be any different for an industry that crosses borders as well. I have also wondered what the requirements would be for CAD-US-Mexico and return across two borders would be would be. (My personal views on the efficacy of the vaccine or lack there of are not at play here. I work in healthcare so have personal views from that standpoint for myself and my own choices.) I must say also that the blocking of major highways that impedes my rights and freedom to travel, or impedes access to people in major blockade areas to get to and from home, or to and from work, does bother me.



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