Push-Pull Tensions: Which Way To Go?
The North Node (NN) has now gone into Aries, with South Node (SN) into Libra. This nodal shift happens every 18 months serving as the evolution guiding light for every individual, and the world collectively.
Aries, being the first sign in the zodiac wheel carries fiery characteristics of being a leader; active, aggressive and assertive. Aries is always eager, daring and determined to jump into new endeavours without thinking much or having the next course of actions in the pipeline. As for Libra, it’s a peace-loving sign that enjoy keeping balance and harmony in any relationship or situation. Libra tends to give its power away and be agreeable to circumstances to avoid confrontations hoping to keep the other parties happy but at its own expenses.
From now until early January 2025, with NN SN on Aries and Libra axis, we will see “Push” and “Pull” tensions between relationship with oneself and with others, between war and peace, between egocentric and altruistic approach; prompting human beings to deliberate on which way to go or which direction to take is better and more appropriate, because Aries’s demand “Me first!”, but for Libra is “Put others first.” How then, can we leverage on these conflicting energies?
The NN represents the dragon’s head, and SN is the dragon’s tail. NN is untapped territory; things that are new to you, SN is comfort zone; things that you are good at. NN is destiny (with your free will to act on it), SN is karmic (from your past lives, whether you believe it or not). For one to grow and evolve in life, one must make progress along the path from “what you already were” (SN) to “what you are becoming” (NN). Because everything that happens in life has its timing, and when it finally arrived, as the planets or luminaries are aligned, and activated for you; that’s where your inner soul feel the pain, urge and drive to change the most, which will propel you forward in life to fill the void that you are after, either you know it consciously or unconsciously.
Hence now, with NN in Aries, it’s a “Go-For It!” call to step up and start taking actions on your desires and dreams; to do that things that you’ve always wanted to do without fear and worry of not knowing what comes next. Whether you want to be an entrepreneur, want to get fit and be healthier in life or want to ____(fill-in-your-own-desire-here)____. Take that first step! And the rest will follow; little by little steps closer to fulfilling your soul growth and happiness instead of conforming to any given environment or people pleasing all the time.
Find out how this nodal shift will affect you during this one and a half year; what to embrace, focus upon and move towards for personal betterment (NN), and what to release, letting go of certain aspects of life if they are unhealthy, expired or rotten (SN), or to integrate what you are already good at to make something new and better out of it (SN+NN). Your gut can tell what your needs are, pay attention to them. Here are the indicators that will play out in your thoughts, feelings and actions according to your Rising Sign and Sun Sign:
Embrace and Focus: Putting yourself first, becoming of who you really are and what you are set out to do, show your authentic self to the world.
Release or Integrate: Care less or conforming to others’ opinions on you, it’s a make it or break it period for relationships that are not working or has gone sour (marriage, business partnership, contracts, legal, etc.).
Embrace and Focus: Your mental health is top priority, it’s a period of self-undoing to face your fear and hidden enemies, healing and closure, connect with your Higher Self and have faith on inner transformation works.
Release or Integrate: Modify your routines, don’t overwork or giving yourself too much to others at workplace, you need to take care of your overall body wellbeing.
Embrace and Focus: Dreams can come true, start asking yourself what do you hope to get out of life? Your social life will be active during this period, thus get outside to mingle and make new connections.
Release or Integrate: Tap into your creativity and self-expression when connecting with others, and to realise your dreams whether it’s a new project, philanthropy idea or romance. If you have kids, it’s also time to let them be a little more independent by themselves.
Embrace and Focus: You’ll be very career minded and will be dedicating most of your time planning for long term goals and your vocation.
Release or Integrate: Spending time with your home and family will take the back seat, since works will be occupying your mind heavily. One of the elderlies at home may need special attention as there’s possibility of loss.
Embrace and Focus: See more of the world, gain more knowledge; be open-minded to acquire new wisdom and philosophy to deepen the meaning of life through higher learning or travel to a faraway land.
Release or Integrate: Evaluate your ways of thinking and communicating in current environment, especially when dealing with siblings, neighbours and partners. If it’s not good, let it die. If it doesn’t die, make it good and better.
Embrace and Focus: Understanding yourself and the depth of life has to offer, brave up when presented with new opportunities for joint venture, investment, et-cetera. Good period to regenerate other means of income, assets and resources via others.
Release or Integrate: Are your current values and working habits limiting your growth and success? Reassess your priorities and routines to go beyond the wealth and worth that you’ve already established.
Embrace and Focus: Get out of stagnant or comfort zone, reach out and connect with others. You’ll never know what could be waiting for you ahead; a potential business partnership or love relationship that is mutual and beneficial.
Release or Integrate: Self-love is good, but overly done will become self-absorbed. Embrace new beginning and a new self, whether with a fresh view towards life or a fresh appearance; balance is the key.
Embrace and Focus: Maintaining a healthy body, mind and soul is important for you to be able to contribute at work or to the society. Improve your crafts, habits or working practices to serve and help others improve.
Release or Integrate: Let the past be bygones as you healed, come out from solitude to connect and have compassion for others. Trust your intuition and share your wisdom and talents to benefit those in need.
Sagittarius ???
Embrace and Focus: Have fun playing and expressing your creative flair, care less and free yourself from others judgemental on you. Fertile period for romance or love affair (possible with a soulmate), conceiving new idea or project, including baby (be careful)!
Release or Integrate: Take a break from group and social outings, have more me-time envisioning how your ideal life would be; where you’ll be heading, what you’ll be doing and who’ll be walking by your side down the road.
Embrace and Focus: Spend quality time with your loved one and family. By having a strong foundation at home, you can have better emotional security and support when you need it.
Release or Integrate: Workaholism can take a toll on you if keep chasing after success and recognition. Know the balance between work and having a life, stay presence and identify what truly matters.
Embrace and Focus: Be social and flexible, learn how to communicate tactfully with others in your immediate environment, especially with siblings and peers. Be bold to express or share your thoughts and ideas in verbal or writing.
Release or Integrate: Embrace open mindedness on how you perceive the world. Keep exploring and expanding the philosophy of life and your beliefs system, apply what you’ve learned or self-realised for true existentialism growth.
Embrace and Focus: Knowing your worth and values, becoming self-reliance and finding new way to make your own wealth. Dare to venture, take actions and flow with it.
Release or Integrate: Financial dependency from other especially if it’s not aligned to your cores. Expect endings and new beginnings on matters jointly held with others on assets, finances (loan, tax, inheritance), connections and intimacy level with people.