Push Out Of The Comfort Zone
Omar Osama (He/Him)
Certified SAP S/4HANA MM/EWM/ARIBA/SD Consultant | Top Leadership Voice in Egypt | Book Author | Content Creator Solopreneur (No Ghost Writers ) | Ex-IBM
During the progress towards your goal, you always do your best to achieve the milestones. The end of the goal is to achieve the comfort and happiness from that new state. Getting out of the comfort zone is not an easy process. Individuals like to have everything stable and systematic, but on the other hand outside of the comfort zone there can be another comfort zone with more comfort. It is about the process between the two comfort zones. In this process you start putting effort and working hard to be able to adapt the new state.
Being able to prepare yourself for this process in the comfort zone helps to ease the amount of effort required in that transition. It is just a decision need to be made, that you are willing to take the risk and leave the comfort zone you already built to seek more growth in your career. Career fields are increasing with the technology and the disruptive market. Being able to handle the speed of this change is the key for you to stay updated with the recent market trends. Employees in the market are getting paid for their technical skills, personal skills, communication and experience. Individuals for sure need to increase their value in the market, that is why it is required from them to stay in continuous learning and development to not enter a stagnated state.
Making an analysis for your career from different directions helps in building the right skill, that needs to be developed. Being aware with your capabilities and what matches your experience helps in guiding towards the most suitable skill that can be learnt. Building the process in the right way helps in minimizing the risk of encountering a failure. Risk is part of the process, but with being determined, dedicated and consistent it will pass with success. Just keep in mind that part of the career ladder is to develop your skills to keep growing with more experience and knowledge.
Each part of the career has its own challenges, and its difficulty is determined according to your level of experience. Building the right base helps in the progress during the career, and your future self will thank you for that investment, when you reach to the level of dealing with challenges in a smart way without any fear and stress. During the career growth journey either you own your business or work as a part of the organization. You will meet a lot of individuals either through your assigned tasks or through your connections. Part of growing in the career is learning how to deal with your peers. It is all about communication with respect and professionalism.
In the beginning, knowing your boundaries with your peers indicates your respect to their own personal zone. As long as you solidify the connection with your peers through tasks, meetings and interactions. The boundaries will start to open from their side step by step. They will start to be friendly, but there are always some boundaries that will stay as it is. Handling problems between the team is part of the challenges during the career. There can be points of conflict, where it is solved with the interference of your manager or it can be through the team. Having in mind that these conflicts are part of the career, and it won’t affect the professional relationship with your peers. It will help to accelerate your growth and career maturity.
Career Ladder is full of challenges that needs to break out of the comfort zone with confidence and belief. Being in continuous development helps to match the market trends, where your value in the market increase according to your set of skills. Communication plays a very essential role in the career. It is all about building the network, interacting in the meeting and handling the problems. Communication is about how to express an issue in the right way. It is also about how to share your idea in the meeting in a simple understandable way.
It is about building a professional network with your peers, where you can meet and work together in another organization, as you are already in the same career. Communication is how to handle your problems in a clear way without being vague, and to be able to state the situation in an understandable manner to find the right solution. Maintaining these addressed points in your career ladder can ensure your growth, and having a high value in the market.