Push it to make it GO!!!
Despite being an early riser and lover of these beautiful sunny mornings, after spending an hour "accomplishing" in my office whilst most people (including my husband and PA - the Princess Corgi) were sleeping, when it came time to "hit the road" for my weekly long run, I could feel the seeds of reluctance creeping in this morning.
The "itty bitty shitty committee" (voices of negativity) in my brain did their damnedest to tell me I was too tired; it was too late; the Princess Corgi needed a walk; and offering me various other lame excuses as to why I really didn't "need" this morning's run.
I am proud to say that I ignored the "committee" and slipped out the front gate, up into West Perth and before I knew it, I was really feeling my "groove" in Kings Park, running down "Kokoda" and along the gorgeous path across the face of Mount Eliza along Mounts Bay Road with the sun sparkling on the Swan River and the city coming to life.
As I ran, the lyrics of a song Sandie Shaw - an English pop singer, recorded in 1968 came to mind. "You've got to push it to make it go". The words are totally unrelated to where I was "at" this morning, but they made me think of how I really needed to push myself to make ME go.
In business - do we push ourselves to take that extra step; to do the hard things; to tackle the things we don't enjoy doing, first up in the day?
For me, there is nothing more satisfying than knowing I stuck to my plan and kept my commitment - whether that be in my business or personal life.
Often we give in to the "voices" because it's easier, BUT when you do give yourself that extra push usually that's when the real magic happens!