Push back the hate mate: Anti-Semitism is un-Australian
Lucas Christopher
Principal Architect at LUCAS CHRISTOPHER ARCHITECTS I QLD+NT Registered Architect Brisbane Australia
Minny Jackson 21 February 2024 The Spectator Australia
Never Again is now
A rally against anti-semitism was hosted at the Domain in Sydney’s CBD on February 18. It featured a prominent and mixed line-up of speakers including Scott Morrison (former Prime Minister), John Anderson (former Deputy Prime Minister), Michelle Pearse (Australian Christian Lobby), Jacqui Lambie (Jacqui Lambie Network), and Warren Mundine (Liberal Party). Impressive estimates of 12,000 people gathered for the occasion to unite for the cause against radical terrorism and conflict being fueled in the Middle East. Palestinian protesters are also being mobilised globally on command by radical Islamic leaders through their social media platforms, hence the need for pro-Jewish citizens and supporters to raise their voices to prevent further persecution.
Following October 7, the rise of anti-Semitism has become an ever-growing threat to Australia’s democracy. The Hamas attacks were harrowing, barbaric, and exposed the bloodthirsty, rabid nature of radical terrorism. Israel has been under fire from Iran-backed forces for several years, with heightened political tensions of late driving some of these radical groups into breaching territory, claiming hostages, and raping and torturing citizens.
The rally gathered members right across the political spectrum, but especially conservatives who have, in the majority, taken an ‘anti-escalation’ stance. Key to Israel’s defence is the right leadership, collaboration from allies to evacuate genuine refugees from the region, and strategic funding going directly to citizens on the ground, in need, or through trusted NGOs. The federal Labor government, which has been remarkably ‘pro-Palestine’ in light of the attacks, has to answer for funding that was previously channelled into the UN Gaza Aid arm.
Six United Nations Relief and Works Agency workers were allegedly part of the wave of Palestinian militants?who killed 1,200 people , according to the intelligence dossier observed by the?WSJ .
According to the?WSJ , around 12 per cent of UN Palestinian aid groups have 12,000 staff in Gaza with ties to militants. A number of conservative politicians have also raised red flags in regard to the UNRWA, which appears to be rife with corruption, according to US Senator?Jim Risch. ?Donald Trump cut funding to the UNRWA, however, this decision was reversed by the Biden administration which has handed over almost 1 billion in funding.
It appears throughout the West that conservatives have been ‘anti-terrorist’ while progressive regimes, such as the Democrats, have funded entities (including unknowingly) linked to terrorism. On that note, Biden has been under fire for?unfreezing ?Iranian funds worth 6 billion dollars.
A range of policies has led to a dramatic increase in the prevalence of Islam among European and Western nations. So, why are progressives hell-bent on Islamifying the West?
Is it accidental? An unintended consequence? A few other reasons leap to mind namely, the challenge a dramatic shift in religion poses to traditionally conservative bodies such as the Christian church, which historically pressed back against communism. In theory, and in my opinion, it allows for the introduction of certain Woke ideas, such as polygamy, under the cover of ‘multicultural acceptance’. And then there is the development of political instability in society which paves the way toward greater top-down governmental surveillance and control.
Permeating throughout the West it seems is a cloud of naivety. Progressive politicians have been in support of a rapid mass migration as it effectively dilutes the voting base of established populations and decreases the population ratio of hardcore conservatives in the West, such as the Christian demographic, which have long held a strong political and traditional voice against violence and conflict. The influx of over?700,000 ?migrants after 2022 has been an enormous concern for conservatives who are seeing nothing more than a progressive ploy to unravel true democracy and entrench Islam in a nation otherwise founded on Christian principles.
The injustice felt by Western onlookers with Israeli networks and sympathy forms the groundwork for these rallies beginning to move around the country. The director of?Christian Faith and Freedom ,?Karen Bos, who spearheads the anti-persecution advocacy group,?was?among rally attendees. She offers the following sentiment which sums up the rally event and collective movement against persecution brilliantly:
The rally was a joyful celebration of the Australian values of Peace, Love and Respect as thousands gathered to hear inspiring speeches by Christian and Jewish leaders who represent the best of our nation with distinction. Israeli and Australian flags flew proudly and freely together with the flags of Assyrians and Persians who have generational experience of oppression in their ancestral lands.
The same ideologies responsible for genocide in the past are gaining traction with incendiary rhetoric and incitement to violence among Hamas supporters in the present. All who value freedom must uphold the Judeo-Christian values on which Australian law is founded, and close ranks around Jewish Australians to ensure that ‘Never Again is Now’.
AUTHOR Minny Jackson