Anahit Topchyan, MBA
Project Manager | Specializing in Event Coordination & Process Optimization
(Creative writing with the sole purpose of making you wonder)
I can tell I am in the beginning stages of my manifestations;
The beginning of my path, my life.
The possibilities are endless, the world is an open field.
I can become who ever I want to become.
But who do I want to be?
What do I want to do?
Should I become a scientist, a director, a racecar driver?
I want to do it all.
Where do I begin? Which path do I take?
Each road ends the same way.
The most I can do is laugh the whole way there.
Love, laughter, and joy;
Those are the feelings best remembered.
Those are the feelings we yearn to feel again.
What is stopping us besides ourselves?
Laugh every day and every night because we don’t know what will come next.
We don’t know when energies will shift.
Keep it light, keep the heart soft.
Love is the meaning of life.
Love your way through life.
But where do I go? What do I do?
Where are my signs? Am I too scared?
This scaredness is preventing me from living life.
I’m scared of failure; I’m scared of not knowing.
I have a safe foundation; I’m comfortable.
I know I will always have a home.
I need a push, to fly, a push to love on a larger scale.
I need to begin this journey I have planned.
I am asking for my push.