The Pursuit Of "Well-Being"
Apparently the pursuit of “Well-Being” is one of this years most interesting topics online
What is “well being”?
Perhaps it’s feeling happy, successful, fulfilled?
It’s at least easy to see why well being might be elusive. It’s difficult to define
A feeling?
Let’s stick with an over all sense of wellness. Physical, emotional and spiritual
How do we get there?? I don’t think we do. I think we strive to consistently move closer. Get better, feel better. See evidence of progress toward that goal
Being a man and finding that I resonate with a particular type of man, I want to present a road map of sorts
A Man’s Simple Path To Well Being
- How choices and ownership pave the way
Too much information. Solutions that are far too complex. New habits that take too long and are not enjoyable enough to sustain
How do we nurture balance?? How do we continuously get a bit better every day?
Are you playing around with the idea of some new habits?? Me too. Always
I’ve found that I have a few “musts”
It has to be fast
It has to be free
I have to enjoy it enough to keep doing it consistently over time (free and fast:)
I don’t care about the science. I’m not a doctor and too much detail puts me off
I need to see and/or feel some results emerging in a couple of weeks or I’m gone
I’ve evolved into a habit of picking 5 areas of my life that I want to give love and attention to every day.?
Otherwise I get stuck in one rabbit hole and the other 4 get neglected. This creates a see-saw effect. Focus and neglect. Get behind and catch up…
When I spread the wealth around all 5 for even a few minutes a day…no-one gets neglected. I achieve balance.? A worthy condition for well-being
My 5 key areas
Every day I close my eyes for a few minutes and send love/attention/gratitude to each area (this can look as simple or complex as you want)
There are another 5 broader areas of my life that I help clients with using very simple processes and frameworks
Here are my suggestions for new habit ideas
This is how I frame well being
There’s too much hype, too many tactics and tools and too much unnecessary detail that just intimidates and discourages us
If this view of well being gives you hope, let’s chat
Are you as valuable as you could be?
Retired and living in the moment
1 个月The key to well being is living in the moment. Don’t look back and don’t be afraid of the future. Take the time to enjoy life. As my favorite female rocker Cheryl Crow puts it…” it’s not having what you want, it’s wanting what you’ve got” By the way, your picture is awesome. A thorn between two roses!!