In the pursuit of true happiness!

In the pursuit of true happiness!

Remember a pursuit of happiness happens when you cry out loud with happiness, the feeling you get which cannot be expressed in words, its a thing which whenever came in your mind goosebumps appears in your body and eyes became watery with that proudness. its a thing which you get unexpectedly through your continuous hard work, determination, never give up attitude. when the happiness reaches that level which you haven’t imagined ever that is called a pursuit of happiness. It is that 'deja vu' feeling which you never experienced before!

Happiness is that wonderful emotional response to an event or experience but it is not lasting. For many, a lottery win would make them happy but the realities of life usually move in to alter that feeling as the expectations on how to protect your gain hits. A wedding or birth of a child are usually very happy affairs until the ups and downs of marriage or raising children set in.

The life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness would give me the right to pursuit happiness if I choose to do that. I’ve never thought much about that. I don’t remember discussing this in school, It probably would have been a wonderful topic to teach this to students. That they have a right to pursuit happiness. I’m sitting with this and wonder what is the definition of true happiness. In some ways I am content but I have serious health issues that I have been unable to find dedicated medical professionals that have stepped up to the plate to help me.

Now that I talk a lot about personal responsibility and I have tried to take the bull by the horns and I have not had results from my efforts. It still baffles me the trouble that I have had with this. So what I have been doing is pursuing happiness by taking action in the only way I know how. But this is my answer, when I’ve run into a snag, I take responsibility and try to do something about it. This has been an enormous lesson for me to pursue life happily.

When I realised that for me happiness is being at peace and this meant shedding and letting go rather than pursuing. But merely shedding negative beliefs, thinking, people, letting go of fears, addictions/ patterns, beliefs and thoughts itself gives you inner peace. Meditation helped massively as did other spiritual practices. It felt like a journey but in fact this was always about going inside, digging deeper, learning who the real I was and finding out there is no one else involved.

Now every time I close my eyes while doing morning meditation I frequently experience something akin to floating, oneness with Universe, where I just am and I let the world unfold around me. Everything is beautiful and awe-some. I am at peace, I feel ‘lightness of being’, I can experience joy and feel alive. I actually feel that I am truly happy, Cheers!


