Pursuit of Excellence
Azim Jamal
Inspiring and empowering leaders to achieve material success blended with a deep sense of purpose, balance & happiness
People who strive for excellence stand out from the crowd. Their demeanor is unmistakable: you can tell that they mean business and will always deliver -- no matter what. We rely on these people and expect outstanding work from them.
Were these people born with excellence? Absolutely not! Excellence is an acquired skill that comes from nurturing and mentoring. Our parents, teachers, peers, and mentors, as well as the environment, all play important parts in achieving this. The good news is that it is never too late to achieve excellence -- as long as you are committed to it, and are prepared to exercise the discipline and action required.
And you might realize along the way that it is paradoxically easier to be excellent than to be average. You feel better about yourself when you do excellent work creating more energy and enthusiasm. Excellence can also come from doing what you love to do and doing it well. In fact, this kind of energy is infectious, inspiring your team and clients.
Excellence requires consistent pursuit and practice. As Olympic swimming medalist Mark Spitz put it, “We all love to win, but how many people love to train?"
Once you make excellence a habit, a quality of all that you do, it becomes a part of your DNA.
To infuse this quality of excellence calls for discipline and character. It is not about competing with others; it is about enhancing your own abilities and competing with yourself.
Hence excellence comes from leading a balanced life that creates sustainability and avoids burnout.
So take up the mantle of excellence today and watch your life expand and flourish.