Pursuing & Navigating A Career in Criminal Justice
I can honestly say that I have had an incredibly rewarding criminal justice career that has spanned more than three decades, and I have absolutely no thoughts of retiring any time soon because I love what I do for a living.?Even though I have more than 150 publications, my latest book means the most to me.
I have been wanting to write this book for nearly a decade but always pushed it off to the side because I simply did not have the time, but then COVID struck, and the nation locked down. Being the hyper, “I can’t sit still and do nothing” type of guy that I am, I decided to finally write this book, which is essentially a culmination of my 32 years of experience and education in criminal justice, which takes readers on a journey from my college years studying criminal justice to present-day where I continue to serve internationally as a criminal justice professor and subject matter expert.
So, that’s 32 years of education and experience condensed into 14 clear, concise chapters that will appeal to high school students, university students, criminal justice professionals (namely police and corrections officers), and criminal justice professors.
Pursuing and Navigating a Career in Criminal Justice?has been described by those who purchased the book as a?practical, “must-have” book for those considering a career in criminal justice as well as veteran criminal justice professionals by providing helpful advice and guidance to those already working in the profession who may be confronted with the widely unappreciated realities associated with burnout, suicidal thoughts, posttraumatic stress disorder, poor coping mechanisms, and a withering ability to continue effectively safeguarding our physical AND emotional wellbeing. More specifically, this book provides “real-life” guidance and insight into pursuing a successful career in criminal justice along with successfully navigating the foreseen and unforeseen challenges of working with today’s criminal offenders, crime victims, citizens, colleagues, administrators, and the media.?It is undeniably the most comprehensive book available on pursuing and navigating a successful career in criminal justice. To date, I have 32 years of field, supervisory, teaching, and training experience, including serving internationally as a highly sought after out subject matter?expert.
I have always been fascinated with understanding the “why” to so many questions about crime, criminality, and victimization. After more than 20 years working in the criminal justice system in several leadership roles, I chose to pursue a career in higher education to provide answers to those questions. I have helped thousands of undergraduate students pursue their dream careers by taking on a no holds-barred, straight-talking approach to teaching by always “keeping it real” in explaining the pros and cons of working within this rewarding, yet challenging profession. I strongly believe that teaching and training should not rely exclusively on the research but be augmented with real-life experiences from those who work or have worked in criminal justice – those that have been there – done that.
This book is intended provide you with what you will need to enter the criminal justice workforce with an emphasis on the so-called, “soft skills” to not only excel and move up through the ranks, but also help in understanding and explaining what you must do to survive (literally and metaphorically) in a profession that can quite demanding, ?dangerous and sadly in today’s world, unforgiving and thankless.
Each chapter includes valuable research and firsthand experience from my 32-year journey, along with practical advice and guidance from well-respected criminal justice professionals working in law enforcement, corrections, probation, parole, and other public safety professions throughout the nation based on the lessons they have learned in their respective careers. The passages within each chapter are filled with “real-talk” from those who have “walked the walk” working the frontlines along with indispensable constructive advice and guidance from today’s criminal justice leaders.???
The book is available for purchase at:?Kendall-Hunt Publishing, & Amazon