Pursue your Desire.
Too many are awaiting the "burning bush" that will point them in the right direction. It is not coming. You have waited long enough already, cheating yourself out of the life that could be yours while pondering the one that you are "supposed" to be living.?
If you are living without true direction until you are certain of the path that you "should" be taking, you are waiting in vain. The truth will only reveal itself when you're in pursuit of a defined destination.?The destination is initially less relevant than the fact that you actually have one.?Remain focused, eye-open while moving in a defined direction. It is on this path that your true calling will be revealed (often without expectation or provocation).??
For those who embrace the illusion of perfectionism, this is very challenging. You don't want to make the "wrong move," so you would prefer to wait until you are clear about the "right path." The problem with that scenario is the misguided belief that there is a wrong path and the fact that the world will continue to move forward while you are awaiting your invitation. This is the influence of fear in your life, tempting you to live safe and small, while opportunity remains at bay.??
If you find yourself uninspired in the direction of your life, shift your focus from what you are doing to who you are being. Each day, before you leave the house, make a choice in response to "who am I today?"? Choose the adjective that best describes who you wish to be on that day.?How will you evaluate your success in that capacity? What are the challenges and obstacles that you see? How will you overcome them?? In the evening, evaluate how you did. What could you have done to have been even more effective?? Follow this regiment for 30 days (keeping your answers written).?You will discover that your energy and focus will shift in ways that you never thought possible.
Success or sabotage??In order to succeed, you must define "success."
Is this going to be an incredible day??How do you define "incredible" and what are you willing to do to make it so?