For the Purposes of Control
J. E. Herbert, MPA, Saturday, July 31, 2021.
Governments are Instituted ~
According to the American Declaration of Independence, “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, . . .”
The Genus of Societies ~
That statement of purpose was not the original and uniform purpose.?In the days of yore, when civilizations evolved, from family or tribal groupings into communities, and then into nations they did so for the mutual protection of the mass.?One dozen swords or spears was recognizably superior to one sword.?From these groupings leadership evolved, usually based in fighting or warfighting capability, though intelligence was also a consideration.?A powerful fighter was necessary for the protection of the group.?A powerful thinker was necessary for its survival.?This evolution, by the early middle ages, from 500 to 888 ECE[1] became the Feudal “King” the leader of the country and its people.
The word “King” has many different connotations around the world, different words are used and different meanings are applied, but regardless of any of that it was the birth of a form of governance, called Monarchy, that still exists, with modifications in some places, today.
Leaders, even the dullest of them quickly realized the superiority of their position, and began requiring superior treatments, and honorariums, over time, as old kings died or were defeated the position assumed a degree of permanence.
Evidence of the general disregard those “Leaders,” really oligarchies, operating governments can be readily seen in the Hemingway essay written in the aftermath of the Labor Day Hurricane of 1935:
When Hemingway Took the Government to Task for a Hurricane Disaster that Cost Hundreds of Lives
by Melissah J. Pawlikowski
Ms. Pawlikowski is a graduate student in history at Duquesne University and an HNN intern.[2]
On September 2, 1935 what became known as the Great Labor Day Hurricane ravaged the Florida Keys with winds of 160 miles per hour and gusts up to 200 miles per hour.?Hemingway's anger at what happened was palpable on every page. ?Ernest Hemingway wrote:
"Who Murdered the Vets?”
“The writer of this article lives a long way from Washington and would not know the answers to those questions. But he does know that wealthy people, yachtsmen, fishermen such as President Hoover and Presidents Roosevelt, do not come to the Florida Keys in hurricane months.... There is a known danger to property. But veterans, especially the bonus-marching variety of veterans, are not property. They are only human beings; unsuccessful human beings, and all they have to lose is their lives. They are doing coolie labor for a top wage of $45 a month and they have been put down on the Florida Keys where they can't make trouble. It is hurricane months, sure, but if anything comes up, you can always evacuate them, can't you?
It is not necessary to go into the deaths of the civilians and their families since they were on the Keys of their own free will; They made their living there, had property and knew the hazards involved. But the veterans had been sent there; they had no opportunity to leave, nor any protection against hurricanes; and they never had a chance for their lives. Who sent nearly a thousand war veterans, many of them husky, hard-working and simply out of luck, but many of them close to the border of pathological cases, to live in frame shacks on the Florida Keys in hurricane months?
The railroad embankment was gone and the men who had cowered behind it and finally, when the water came, clung to the rails, were all gone with it. You could find them face down and face up in the mangroves. The biggest bunch of the dead were in the tangled, always green but now brown, mangroves behind the tanks cars and the water towers. They hung on there, in shelter, until the wind and the rising water carried them away. ?Who Murdered the Vets? ?Who left you there? ?What's the punishment for manslaughter now?"
Ernest Hemingway
“Soon after the clouds had cleared, leaving a crystal blue horizon, the dead were counted. Between 400 and 600 people perished. What made this storm all the more tragic was that among the dead were 265 World War I veterans. At the height of the Great Depression these veterans had been sent to build a road on the low lying islands of the Florida Keys as a part of the Public Works for Veterans programs. While working, they were housed in inadequate tent-like structures provided by the Roosevelt administration. When the National Weather Bureau issued warnings for a hurricane they were not evacuated.
Shortly after the natural disaster had occurred, writer Ernest Hemingway was contacted by the editors of New Masses to write an account of the storm from an insider's perspective. Hemingway's response was the article, "Who Murdered the Vets?: A First-Hand Report on the Florida Hurricane," published September 17, 1935, just weeks after the event. Although billed as a personal account, in reality it was an outraged demand for accountability for the needless death of the veterans.
A hostile tone was established within the first few lines. "Whom did they annoy and to whom was their possible presences a political danger?" Hemingway asked. "Who sent them down to the Florida Keys and left them there in hurricane months?"
Hemingway presented the veterans not merely as murdered but almost as though they had been assassinated for someone's personal political gain or simply that they were disposed of as an unnecessary burden to the public after courageously serving their country.[3]
Hemingway continued by pointing out that the men in charge certainly knew the possible consequences of being in Florida during hurricane season, let alone in insufficient shelter.?By making these statements Hemingway was not only making an argument that the government was ineffectual; he was also stating that class distinctions had played a major role in the disaster. Not only had the government failed to save its veterans, officials had felt the veterans were disposable. Hemingway went on to illustrate the experience common to most Floridians preparing for a coming hurricane in a pre NOAA, pre Weather Channel era. His account reinforced to non-coastal readers the reality of hurricanes with which coastal residents were familiar.
After making the argument that the veterans had no business being sent to build a road on a narrow low-lying island during hurricane season, Hemingway turned to the aftermath of the storm.
Hemingway's ability to ask questions while simultaneously and subtly pointing fingers throughout the article stimulated public discussion. Though Hemingway later refused to admit that he had purposely written the article to instigate political change, his account helped stimulate vigorous debate. The article in particular drew attention to the issue of class, raising awareness of inequities between the upper and lower classes.
Hemingway ended?"Who Murdered the Vets?" with the final questions, "Who left you there? And what's the punishment for manslaughter now?" The first question was officially answered privately behind the closed doors of politicians. The second went unanswered. No person was ever formally charged with the neglect of the veterans. But one result of the tragedy was that the public began to demand that in the future government leaders had to be careful not to be careless with other peoples' lives.”
Melissah J. Pawlikowski
Ms. Pawlikowski is a graduate student in history at Duquesne University and an HNN intern.
Governance is Necessary, But Not Trusted
This is why America’s Founding Fathers and Mothers experimented with a Confederation before resorting to Federalism, which came with fears of Monarchy’s overreaching disregard of the ordinary people.?Installing a nearly perfect Constitution that has only been modified twenty-seven times in 225 years.?A document the Democrats ignore until they are dragged into court.
Not every person is suited for leadership, i.e. Speaker Pelosi, indeed most are not.?Many of those elected or appointed to leadership positions are not, despite their personal contentions to grandeur, are not qualified.
This can be readily observed by the decisions made and the orders given by certain governors, and more recently, the new president, who has set out bankrupt our democracy, to destroy it in the favor of his desired socialism, during the now moderating COVID 19 Pandemic.?The guidance Medical Science and Common Sense were directly ignored.?The most commonly quoted segment of the Hippocratic Oath is “First Do No Harm” both it and Common Sense were ignored.
The ignorance of the controlling state politicians, contrary to the guidance of the Army Chemical Corp Bio-Chemical Warfare Center at Fort Detrick. ?Following the confused political guidance of party officials, ignoring or redefining the guidance of the Center for Disease Control. ?They defied ?the logic of Quarantine Requirements, moved confirmed COVID infections back into the long term care facilities that had sent them to the hospitals because those patients were beyond their care capacity.
Newsome in California killed 64,372 people, as surly as if he murdered them himself, Cuomo of New York murdered 53,250, Murphy in New Jersey executed 26,590, and Whitmer slaughtered 21,152. ?Twenty-five percent of those lost were valiant heroes of WW II and Korea and Vietnam.
You can expect Democratic Pundits to point at Texas and Arizona because they are Republican states, never detailing the facts about Joe Biden’s Illegal Immigrants, ninety percent of whom are COVID Positive.
Still, facts and history do not lie, Democrats propagated Slavery, invented voter suppression, caused the existence of “Separate but equal,” educationally handicapping six generations of persons of color and invented “Jim Crow” all the while screaming “Racist” at anyone who didn’t follow their direction to the letter.
Franklin Roosevelt did not end the Great Depression, Senator Carter Glass, Representative Henry Steagall, and a crazed Japanese Dictator did that; the only time the United States was near 100 percent employment.?All Roosevelt did was waste 2.2 trillion dollars of taxpayer dollars by creating fifteen unnecessary Federal Bureaucracies to rule over you and me.
On Organized Religions ~
Marx has written that ‘Religion is the opioid of the masses.’?He was wrong, organized Religion is just another mechanism for the control of the masses.?We make no contention that there is no God, any sentient being with the slightest capacity for observation must acknowledge that there are too many natural idiosyncrasies, like species procreation, to deny God’s existence. ?It is organized religion that must be faulted, we humans have killed more of ourselves than any dictator, president, or king has, and it was done at the direction of humans who have self or popularly proclaimed possession of God’s earthly knowledge.
Any sentient being who is not a natural follower, controlled or influenced by others must realize that God has implanted a piece of himself in each of us.?Call it the Chi, lifeforce, or the soul, he is a part of each of us, and when our time here on earth is done, that piece of us returns to Him.
Until the creatures of governance invent a method of legally removing my soul I will continue to resist them.
[1] Early Christian Era.
[2] Melissah J. Pawlikowski, PhD; “When Hemingway Took the Government to Task for a Hurricane Disaster that Cost Hundreds of Lives;” Duquesne University an HNN intern;; Retrieved 2021.07.29:1642.
[3] The quoted author’s opinion.