Purposeful work
What gets you out of your bed every single morning even today? In case you are not jumping out of your bed every single morning, it might be due to lack of purpose or intention.
I heard Greg Orme and Friederike Fabritius Authors & Speakers in Sharpen your Human Edge to Thrive Amid Disruption - Part of the Peak Performance in Challenging Times Webinar Series, purpose and meaning gives a context, in which you have the courage and motivation to step forward. It is motivation molecule, Greg said. Friederike says, easiest way to feel better is doing something nice for someone else. In the brain when we have meaning and purpose it releases three substances - dopamine for motivation and reward, serotonin stabilizes our mood and oxytocin bonds us to people around us and we instantly feel good.
Monica is a business analyst with a reputed organization. She finds pride in what she does daily for her clients. One day she is mentoring a new team member on correct procedures to understand the research work. However, he seems ambivalent about his new job, and about the importance of following strict procedures. So Monica, explains why her team's job is most critical to the organization. When the work is not done thoroughly there are chances that the research work is incapable to do analysis to come up with solutions to client's business problems. Their diligence ensures that the clients needs are taken up clearly to help the client improve their processes and systems. Potentially, their work could help client to sustain their business and ours.
During COVID-19 there are announcements happening every hour in our locality. The announcement is done through a recorded message being played by the auto driver while he is driving on the road next to our apartment. The problem is however may i try, i was never able to hear either the complete announcement or the voice was not clear. This morning i could hear the announcement and thought probably now the auto driver knows, his work can potentially save lives of people.
The purpose has never been to be a nine to fine robot. As a people manager my purpose is to develop people and keeping them encircle of organization's purpose aligned to their's. The ‘why you do’ than ‘what you do’ is the key. We feel empowered when we our inspired, understand the meaning, and see the impact of our work has on others. We become more engaged, innovative, and productive. That isn’t any secret but common sense. Then, why do we become a 9-5 robo? Do we lose sight of our purpose in our daily grind?
In a recent McKinsey survey comprising a representative sample of more than 1,000 participants from US companies, 82 percent affirmed the importance of purpose, but only 42 percent reported that their company’s stated “purpose” had much effect (exhibit). That shouldn’t be surprising. Many companies’ purpose statements are so generic that they do little to challenge business as usual, and others don’t emphasize the concerns of employees. Contributing to society and creating meaningful work are the top two priorities of employees in their survey.
What is the organization's core of being and how can we contribute towards that purpose? We must seek the answers to these now more than ever. From organization's perspective, when employees see how their roles fit's in the goal of organization, productivity and loyalty rises. People work harder, use their initiative, and make sensible decisions about their work. In turn, the company can operate more efficiently and fulfil its core being.
At this hour people and organization has a lot to focus, be it business continuity. interest of shareholders, employee and community. Is it important to focus on purpose at this moment? Definitely it is. I strongly believe in aligning your purpose to the organization's. For an individual it is important to have purpose as it drives the sense of progress to live even more mindful life. Employees will give in all their efforts and hardwork to stand for the organization that understand it's core of being and its purpose is tightly knit in the culture and day to day operations. The only strategy that i can think of is in words of Ben Franklin — “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.”