PURPOSE The why of getting out of bed!
Jeremiah 1:5 Ever wake up thinking "What do I want to do today?" Or maybe "I don't even want to leave this comfortable place." Life can get rough, challenging, or overwhelming at times. We've tried and it didn't work, or we've hoped and it didn't go like it needed to.
Trying to imitate someone who's been successful in whatever, can stretch us beyond our capability or enthusiasm. God knew Jeremiah before he was born and that's a mind blower to most of us. To think He knew me before I was born-well try explaining that to your neighbor.
But, this being true of each of us, we can be certain that God's intention for us, gives us a unique opportunity to dive into a day, or a lifetime, with expectations we would never imagine. This should give us value, meaning, and purpose as we wake up each day. God really does have a purpose for us. That should thrill and perhaps even scare us a bit. But, since He's on our side, we can relax and cross the finish line with joy. Seize the day!
Why should knowing that God has a purpose for you excite you every day?
How much is too much of small talk in your life? What is small talk anyway?
What are you passionate about?