Purpose - What is it?
Brandi Taylor
Rapid Transformation Therapist, CHt Hypnotherapist, Anxiety & Addictions Coach helping Executives & Professionals Experience FREEDOM NOW No Meds Required
This term is thrown around a lot - Find your life’s purpose. But really what is your purpose?? For so many, this is an enigma. It can be overwhelming and then really insignificant because it’s just too elusive. So when life calls for something with more meaning we are again faced with the prospect of purpose…What are we really seeking?
We seek authenticity. Calling out for something with meaning.
The meaning to purpose is this - the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.
We seek our reason for existence.
The answer to this - be authentic to yourself and others and discover what serves everyone best. So what does that look like for you? Everyone is different. Everyone expressed this from a different place. That’s the beauty of life experience. Our life guides us to offer these insights, these tools, these views, these gifts, that others may not have or can not access.
Your purpose might be the most incredible parent. It may be to write and share life through story. It may be to teach. It may be to create beauty. It may be to make people laugh. It may be to save lives or protect those around you. Really, purpose has no form. It is as individual for each of us as we are because we all understand life through our own experiences. None are the same. We all bring something distinct to the table.
It is those among us that seek something more meaningful, to feel alive in what we offer, that choose to dig into the unknown. The interesting part of this journey is what you discover along the way. There are layers to this process. The superficial, the first insights, then, the true understanding of what really drives you and feeds your soul.
When I first started my journey, I knew I was passionate about helping others. I’d always been this way but found I was offering this serves in ways that didn't align with me. It took some trial and error, learning many skills along the way, getting results that felt only - meh - to really discover it was always right in front of me. I wanted something that lite me on fire. Something that brought life into each moment. Something that would have me saying - I REGRET NOTHING. BRING IT!
Life holds many gifts. They change our course should we choose to stand for what we really want.
A few years ago I took that leap. I've never felt more alive than I do now - ever! Today, life is busy; two teen boys, volunteering, speaking, hockey and sports schedules, and yes, even messy sometimes, but here is the difference - I'm really living, excited, curious, and grounded in everything that daily schedule is driving. It's what I really want. A life that brings each day full of passion, meaning, connection and wholeness because I raise others up to their authentic self, uncovering what they've always wanted but didn't know they could really have. Best reward ever, right!
We take the leap and grow our wings on the way. No time is ever going to be perfect or right.
It takes a decision and commitment to yourself. Commitment to stand up for you. It takes courage and strength to own who you are underneath the business of life. It takes courage to love yourself enough to bring that kind of joy and reward into your life on magnificent scales.
It's easy to add more and more to a schedule until we have no time for us. I really understand that. The key here is being clear on what is really important and what you really want in your life. As parents, we often give up parts of us for them, not realizing what that sacrifice means. We give so much to our children when they can see what it means to live your life, chase your dreams, dream big and go after it, fail and get back up. We are the best life skills lessons they can learn.
I discovered it because I was and had experienced stagnancy, mediocrity, a life so busy, I felt I couldn’t breathe. A life I felt was unlived.
Life couldn't be more alive around us. But we're missing is. Purpose brings life back to us. Very few ever really know early on and some never find out.
So, how do we find it?
Purpose takes exploration. It’s more a place, a state, than a thing. It's where we serve others from or how we share and connect with them.
There are a few things we can do that really stir the creator within us.
I've developed a 5-day challenge around this to help you really dig in. If you 'ready click the link below.
For the rest, here are three ideas that should get you started.
What are you currently interested in?
When I went Keto (Ketogenic diet) last year, I researched. It's now my lifestyle. I love the way I feel fueling myself in a clean and healthy way, the way my body has changed. Added bonus - I weight the same I did in high school - age and weight is a fallacy. People experience spectacular results because it is very efficient and completely satisfying.
I developed a much clearer understanding of eating healthy, palate, my sweet tooth, and how to put them all together. This is one of my joys. I love to explore in the kitchen and try out new flavor combinations knowing I'm creating something delicious and healthy. And yes, I can still have desserts that are heavenly with zero guilt. I could share this with the world...
Read, Watch TedTalks, Documentaries...
What we feed ourselves grows. From this state, you are expanding on your current reality. I have always been fascinated by science. I was a double major in Biology and Chemistry in university. So when confronted with some very tough news for someone I love, I dug into the research, TEDtalks, medical articles, any information I could get my hands on about the human brain and NLP (Neuroplasticity).
This exploration has led my understanding to advancements coming into practice, not to the level they can be yet but present in our medical communities and that there are other possibilities just being tested in the field of medical applications. Its so exciting... I almost want to be a part of it!
Go out and just try things you have an interest in.
What are you good at? What things do you like to do? What have you been curious about? These are excellent places to start. When I was first coming out of the film industry, I started testing things I was curious about. It was like trying on new clothing. I love design, so I was a real estate investor. Purchased, staged, and sold a few condos and houses. Did a major full house renovation and sold for $150,000 above any other house in the community. I loved sourcing, hunting the deals, putting together the color palette for the new design. It turned out beautiful (I actually considered staying once it was completed).
When the market stalled, I moved into investments. This is a fascinating rabbit role. Finance is ever-changing and a great place for someone that understands numbers and wants a challenging career. Excellent options...
As we explore, we find more and more of what really lights us from within. When you find purpose, everything makes sense. Motivation is no longer a question. Willpower superseded. Fear is irrelevant because you are driven to push through. And you are a freight train.
The most interesting part of the discovery is whether or not you decide to accept it. Whether you step into it, step up, and live in your purpose - it's an expression of your highest self.
I warn you, once you accept it, it won't leave you alone. It's the most fulfilling thing you will ever do. True happiness is found in this journey.
Are you ready to take the leap? DM me and discover what lights you up. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.