Purpose is the vehicle that drives our?belief!
What is the meaning behind purpose??
I was recently asked this question inside a panel discussion, and every answer that I had flew right out of my mind as this one sentence took over and resonated with my heart, mind, body and soul! (Psst, you can watch the panel discussion in the video at the end of this article!
“Purpose is the vehicle that drives our belief!”?
Here’s the thing about this statement… We can have many purposes in our life and they all are constantly evolving, but they all support our core beliefs.?
We can, however, choose a primary purpose with a core belief, something that we would follow as our life’s goal and mission to evolve, grow, and build into something that we can pursue throughout our life.
For example, I chose to be a coach so that I could support and serve my clients by helping them with their burnout, limiting beliefs, and inner reconnection! This is my purpose!
My core belief is my calling to help other people.
This belief has stayed with me throughout my changes and evolution in my career, from wanting to be a doctor to a coach. The core belief of helping others not only remained but also grew stronger in its intensity.
I know my Life’s and Soul’s True Purpose is Coaching when I first entered this arena. I knew it in my heart that this was the best vehicle to drive my core belief.?
To the point, where I have fought to stay and grow as a coach, prioritizing myself and my dreams over those around me, which is a huge thing for a people pleaser and caregiver.
So keep on the search. Trial and error your way into finding your purpose or hire a coach who is an expert at that!
Once you find your purpose though… Ooooh, things start to get magical!
One great way to figure out if what you have found is your purpose or not is by imagining this scenario —
If you won the lottery tomorrow, what would you do? Would you still get up and do the thing that you are passionate about right now and feel is your purpose?
When my mentor asked me this question out of the blue, my immediate response was that I would still be helping people and finding new ways to reach those who are in need to serve them.
That’s purpose.
Something that you would do even when you have everything someone could want in their life.?
Once you find that purpose, you do everything possible — in a healthy and calm way — to constantly deliver your purpose.?
Why calm? Because you have already found your vehicle, there is no point in rushing. The end result will always be the core belief you wish to deliver.?
Why healthy? Because it's my duty to help you constantly deliver that purpose without burning out and sharing your magic with the world!
With that, I bid you adieu! As promised, find the full panel discussion below to listen to what my amazing panel members had to say about the search for purpose!
I will see you in the next newsletter!
Before I go, here are some announcements from my world that can get you excited and hyped for the coming week -
Let’s go!!!
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Madhurima Sappatti is a Freedom Soul Coach and she is amazing!! As a Freedom Soul Coach, her aim is to guide changemakers, especially coaches, to get Freedom from Burnout and Limiting Beliefs, and go from being Burnt Out to Thriving. The intention, in the end, is to create a sustainable space that will help the coaches grow, expand, and experience Freedom. She brings together inner work, burnout, and spirituality to enable as many people as possible to follow their dreams and passions!