Purpose triumphs all
David Gilks
I use neuroscience and ancient wisdom to help individuals discover the one thing that will change everything.
There is a saying that "you should not let the sun without making peace with your brother". I often reflected on that over the years, while I was bearing grudges against others for their supposed crimes against me. I have come to realize, and I think this just comes with age, is that I have no control over what others think of me. I have no control over their actions, opinions, and attitudes. I cannot bend over backwards enough to please others at times, so I might as well get on with my life. The other part to this piece is the capacity not to bear malice towards those who bear malice towards you. As Tony Robbins once said, "people are out to meet their own needs, looking for their own significance, and their actions have nothing to do with you". The only caveat to this is simply this, you must be able to look yourself in the mirror and know that you are doing this best that you can, you are working on being the best version of yourself, and that your actions, successes, are designed to lift up and support others, not tear them down. It's a funny life, but when you are on purpose, you tend not to hear the conversations of the naysayers, you tend not feel the burden of their criticism. I guess that it is the way it supposed to be.