Purpose through giving YOUR gifts
Those Moments
There are times in life where we are transported out of the tedium of the day-to-day world and into something larger and purer. Different experiences feel like this for me:
·????????On a beach, lost in the aromas of the sea, my eyes on the horizon, the wind a physical thing on my skin, the rhythm and noise of the waves harmonizing deep inside.
·????????In an outdoor concert venue late at night, hearing my favorite music played so passionately that I feel immensely alone, but still viscerally connected to the musicians, the thousands around me in the crowd, the stars spread out over me.
·????????When I watch one of my children accomplish something that goes far beyond my hopes for them; when what they do, say, or build is artful and complete, and the love and hope I feel for them expand in ways I can’t comprehend or hold.
·????????When I’m in the middle of a frantic day, see someone struggling…and I put off whatever was on my agenda, pull them aside and the best, most compassionate parts of me flow out in ways that are deep and true. Like waves. Or wind. Or music. Or love.
We don’t often live this way.
Where the immensity of life gets connected to what’s deeply, passionately in our hearts, and we live for a moment in truth, connectedness and possibility.
We simply get caught up in the daily, don’t we?
In the roles we take on and feel obligated to, in our work, in the pursuit of what we need or want. These are commitments that are necessary, rational, even right. But every single one of us have gifts that, all too rarely, get called upon. These times remind us of who we really are deep inside.
These are a short moment in the sunlight of knowing we are something that no one else in the universe is, of knowing it's good and at the center of our joy and meaning.
We may drift away from it or tune it out but it’s a melody that’s uniquely ours and it never goes away. It’s the core of who we are and why we’re here.
Discovering, nurturing and giving that gift to others is the purpose of our lives.
To know it, to develop it and give back to the world is how we shift into something more profound than the daily.
If you’ve been focused, working, and meeting your commitments, you SHOULD feel good about that! Personally, I’m very proud to have done the work I’ve done, to have earned enough to be a good father and husband and meet my obligations regularly.
But if there's sadness or lack of fulfillment because you’re not pursuing what is beautiful and right about you, it’s time to think about why you’re not pursuing it and how you can start.
The world is waking up to what David Viscott put so eloquently:
“The purpose of life is to discover your gift.
The work of life is to develop it.
The meaning of life is to give your gift away.”
If your life doesn’t have room for your gift, your heart and passion, where does that leave you?
No matter where you are in life, what you do with your time, or how you earn your keep: seeking your gift, nurturing it, and giving it away can be, must be, a thread in your life.
Is it time for you to move toward your true purpose?
Do you want to turn on what’s true and magical about you more often? Are you ready to stop saying no to the passions and needs deep in your soul? Are you ready to uncage the gift in your heart and learn to give it away?
I want to help you breathe in the sweet smell of that gift. To understand it more deeply. To fall in love with it again. To help you come to terms with why you aren’t finding space to use it, and to find ways to give it away so you can feed the people around you who are desperately in need of it.
I don’t know what might happen when you choose this path.
Neither do you.
Living in your gift is likely not going to be easier than what you’re doing today. It may not make you wealthy, or popular…or if it does, that may come with challenges and a ‘daily’ you can’t even imagine at this point.
What I can promise you is that learning and living in your gifting will help you reconnect with yourself, teach you to love yourself more deeply, and open avenues for you to connect your gift to the universe and the people around you so you can look back at your weeks and days with fulfillment.
It’s a message.?And a calendar invite. And a talk.
What do you have to gain?