Purpose & Synchronicity
Carl Jung introduced the concept of synchronicity – meaningful coincidences and events. He theorized all people, animals, plants and inanimate objects were linked through a collective unconscious – which shows itself in synchronicities. They reflect an inner state that links to an outer event that is meaningful to the participant.
He defined three types: (1) Coincidence between mental content and an outer event (I was just thinking of —- and s/he called) (2) A dream or vision of an event taking place at a distance – which is later verified (3) A dream, vision or premonition about a future event – which then happens
Current definitions expand this to meaningful coincidences – such as:
standing in line beside a stranger who can answer your question walking out of your house the same time a friend drives by who stops to say something you need to hear * randomly opening a book and landing on a page with a “message” for you (I do this a lot intentionally). Read More..