Purpose Study Bible 234: A Lot With A Little
Our God is an efficient God. He gets things done with a minimum of effort when He is working with cooperative and obedient subjects, and Joshua and his army were just that. After their initial foray into the Promised Land, we read this simple summary:
All these kings and their lands Joshua conquered in one campaign, because the Lord, the God of Israel, fought for Israel (Joshua 10:42).
God was fighting for Israel but Israel still had to fight, if that makes sense. They had to exert effort and invest their time, but when they did, God "fought for Israel" and they achieved a lot in a little time. This is important for you to understand. Why? Because you've often not done something because you thought, I don't have the time. But if God is with you, He can empower and strengthen you to do more with less—time, energy, money, or whatever other resource is needed to get the job done.
God can stop the sun, provide through animals like ravens or fish, calm raging seas, or confuse those who oppose you. He can defeat superior forces aligned against you, part the waters, or multiply a few rations into a feast. Those are just some of the things He can do for you, but you have to do your part. You have to trust Him and act, rather than waiting for Him to move before you do.
What have you been saying you will do "one day"? What have you been convinced you can't do because you don't have something instead of acting, believing God would provide that something? What have you said you don't have time to do but could start, trusting that God could stretch the time you have?
Joshua did a lot in a short period of time and that was only the beginning of their exploits in their new homeland. Let God help you to do more too and when you do, it will become not just a special event but a way of life when you see God move on your behalf time and time again.