Purpose Study Bible 157: Lots of Bull(s)

Purpose Study Bible 157: Lots of Bull(s)

In Numbers 29, God laid out His requirements for the annual Feast of Tabernacles. Besides many other offerings, the people were to sacrifice the following:

"Present as an aroma pleasing to the Lord a food offering consisting of a burnt offering of thirteen young bulls, two rams and fourteen male lambs a year old, all without defect" (Numbers 29:13).

Then for each of the eight days of the festival, they were to sacrifice one less bull per day, so that at the end of the eight days, they would have sacrificed 70 bulls. No matter how you look at it, that's a lot of bulls! Why such an extravagant requirement? To answer, let's consider the significance of the bull.

A bull tends to be the stronger gender no matter the species. They not only represent strength but also productivity and fruitfulness. They also provide the greatest amount of meat, for they are larger and the female's purpose is more to provide milk for their young (and for others). Bulls also tend to be more feisty than the female and present a greater threat if precautions aren't taken to control them.

The bull in you is the same as represented by the animal kingdom. It is your stronger side that can produce much fruit but can also be the more ornery expression of your being. You are constantly to be dedicating your strength to the Lord, asking Him to help you direct it into channels that will serve Him and not your own career, hobby, or interests. We will see in the next book that the Lord commanded His people to "Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength" (Deuteronomy 6:5).

Have you harnessed your bull-like strength for God's purpose He assigned? Are you asking the Spirit to help you control your bull-like anger or independence so you can use your strength to do God's will? Where does your bull still have a tendency to wander off in its own stubborn direction where your purpose or creativity are concerned? Take some time this week to ask God to see your bull as He sees it and to help you get it under control to work for you rather than against you—and Him.


