The Purpose of Reinvention and Why Knowing Your Values Changes Everything.

The Purpose of Reinvention and Why Knowing Your Values Changes Everything.

How travel helped me realign to my highest values.

Hey, thank you so much for subscribing I am really honoured and grateful to have you here.

In usual Kirsty style I am writing many pieces at one and enjoying not needing to structure into anything but the ideas of my mind and thought process and allowing that free flow and ideation, without forcing anything.

My current mode of transport on Gili Air.

Values realignment and their impact has been a lot on my mind in recent times and how this can be a huge influence on our reinvention, potentially even being a true or authentic alignment over a reinvention.

What is the purpose of reinvention and why not choose to stay the same?

In more recent times, I’ve been through my own reinvention. Not a conscious reinvention, more a liberation of the mind or freedom of the soul. Potentially, that could be a more theatrical or dramatic way of looking at it. In a nutshell, it’s been about letting go or shedding a few layers and getting back to my true essence or my purpose.

Wow! Ok, I did not plan for this to get esoteric or so deep so early, yet here we are.

It wasn’t that I felt misaligned. It’s more that once I started to travel again and travel is my greatest love, by the way. It was with the re-embarking into travel life that I started to realign my values.

Or I should say, my values started to realign.

Our values are our North Star; they are how we make decisions or what our decisions are based on, even if we don’t know what they are. So, we need to get to know what they are because if we don’t, then we can easily follow the path of misalignment, which can turn into the path of disillusionment, unfulfilment, disappointment, regret, and resentment. And all of the above is not a great place to be. It happens all the time, though, and manifests in places like our careers and our relationships.

And you’ll be telling yourself or thinking things like this:

‘I feel like I don’t fit in.’ ‘Why don’t I fit in here?’ ‘This doesn’t sound right to me.’ ‘I feel lost.’ ‘I don’t know my purpose.’ ‘What is the actual point?’

For me, travel realigned me to my highest value, which is FREEDOM. And this doesn’t mean I can’t commit or won’t have structure in my life or work. It means that when I truly align to my highest value, I do my best work, I am the best version of myself, and I am the happiest and most fulfilled. The manifestation of my value of FREEDOM lives through travel, remote work, adventure, and variety.

How inviting does the sunset point on Gili Air look!?

When I align to FREEDOM, it brings to life the next of my highest values, which is LOVE. How it manifests is loving what I do—my life, my work, my conversations, and everything I engage in. It requires a certain amount of ensuring that one is living presently in the moment. Not always easy to do in an online world.

Getting back to the reinvention.

I started thinking about how it’s the act of our values realigning, and the importance of knowing what our values are, that can potentially create a reinvention.

From an outsider’s view, it may look strange or odd.

How can one go from coaching those who work in tech to setting up a travel business in Sri Lanka?

The values realignment is my answer. Being able to align to one’s highest values appears to be the key to this whole turning point or change.

And this is where fulfilment comes in.

If we don’t know what our highest values are, how can we ever feel fulfilled?

If we are aligned to them, what would our wildest dreams be?

What would we be doing?

If you don’t know what your values, take this as a sign to get to know them. Because, until you know your values you will never truly know your purpose. And, if you don’t know your values or your purpose then you will continually feel unfulfilled.

This lack of fulfilment will manifest like this.

  • Job hopping
  • Hating your boss
  • Hating your life
  • Never feeling like you have time for yourself
  • Not with the right partner
  • Living somewhere you don’t really like
  • Not following your dreams

This list goes on. I think you should be getting it though, the drift and the context of my point.

I do truly want to inspire others to tap into your own value system and reach for your highest values. And, to imagine what your wildest dreams and actions and the potential of them coming into reality.

If you were living life aligned with your highest values imagine and feeling aligned, fulfilment will follow. It’s a given.

Today, I am uploading this article here in this complete island vibe location.

Listen to my podcast which shares stories about those who followed their wildest dreams and never gave up. They followed their hearts and aligned to their highest values (even if they did this unconsciously), to themselves and their purpose to create a life of fulfilment.

Their stories are inspiring and humble and authentic.

Listen here:

Hi I’m Kirsty, an apologetic rebel at heart and I love to live life on my own terms. If you are interested in connecting with me, then this link is for you:


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