Purpose, Process, and Penetration

Purpose, Process, and Penetration

"A purpose of human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be loved." 

— Kurt Vonnegut 

What is your purpose? Wait, it’s Monday morning, do we want or need to go that deep on a Monday? I think we do, so “what is your purpose?” I think it an excellent question this beautiful fall morning.

It is 5:14 a.m. Mountain time, but thankfully I’m in Eastern Time, so it’s 7:14 a.m. as I sit here in Indianapolis. It’s dark outside; the sun is just no peeking out causing a little light to shine.  My Queen is fast asleep; soon she will get up and grab a cup of the blackest, richest Joe, I’ve made in some time. I love my Queen and our mornings together set the tone for each fantastic day.

I’m seven days into my sober October journey and forgot some of the benefits sobriety brings.  I sleep better, snore less, wake up fresher, and am better able to follow the movie or show we are watching. I once said “sobriety is a superpower” and I slowly remember why. I like this me, not an improvement, just a different take on how to navigate my world.

I am excited that I get to see my Russian doctor this morning. It’s time for my annual physical, I look forward to this day, and it’s a time to make sure I’m on my way to 114 years of life experience.  It’s a pretty intimate connection we have, I’m not usually naked on my appointments, and there it is unusual to be penetrated on during a meeting, but I’ve resigned myself to the fact that is how “Doc” runs her sessions, and the long-term benefits outweigh the few moments of discomfort.

Back to my original question, “What is your purpose?” Why are you here? Why did your God put you on this earth? That’s a big question for a Monday morning, but let me see if I can help you figure out your purpose?

What is your passion? If you could do anything every day what would you choose to do?   I remember someone asking a man what he would do at retirement, and he said: “I’m going to find a beach and drink margaritas.” That sounds great until you realize that this activity might fill your time for a day, maybe two, but the long-term health outlook for sipping margaritas on the beach is not good. Margaritas on the beach is a short-term solution to a long-term question “what is your true purpose?”

I found my purpose by accident, I was traversing through life, doing my thing, being me, and I began writing. I did it for me, but soon a few folks would comment on my work and thank me. I then took my written ideas and began applying them to people around me. Subtly I would share an idea, set an example, or work with people to improve their life position. It worked, time and time again, investing in people, would give me a return. Not a return of money, but a return of satisfaction as I watched them personally and professionally grow. I’m here on this earth to help others experience their best life.

I do this through my social connections, my laboratory which is my company and my new endeavor that is structured to help people in my industry.   I’ll soon start designing my training center, a 14 x 18-foot room, set on the side of a mountain, overlooking paradise, giving me the ability to train people all over the world.   

My mission is clear, continue working with my current team, expand our company, hire quality people that can help push our ideas and culture forward and also impact an industry. I get juice from helping others, what gives you juice?

Well, I hope my words resonate with you this morning. I hope you are on your way to finding your passion, your mission, and your true calling. Living with purpose and a clear mission is essential. If you are struggling to find your way, remember to think about your passion. It is your passion that will light the way to your exact reason for being on this spinning blue ball. 

Happy Monday, get to work.  Love whoever is around to be loved.

"A purpose of human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be loved." 

— Kurt Vonnegut 


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