"On Purpose!"

"On Purpose!"

Truly nothing new under the Sun!

“Continuation of The Push”

“From the highest levels of worldly government are they pushing; from the highest levels of all businesses, from the education systems of man, from the households of so many who have rejected God; they have joined the Push; from the owned media they have joined the lawless and corrupt ways of the elite of the earth!”

“Desiring not t even think nor acknowledge their very own personal rejecting of the Lord, for the tickling of their ears by those spoken about from God’s own mouth, 2 Timothy 3.”

“The Greatest Push for evil over good!”

“Simply because of the posted time of latter days.”


“Proven right out in the openness before all mankind, the face of media and of broadcasting, of shorts, shows, of Hollywood, of everything being pushed outward towards and against all which is good and upstanding!”

“Medical advancement now has become the answer to so, so, many and fear is the power behind the sickness and illnesses of the evil power grab of all who have put into place and who push forward such evil agendas which bring about life long sorrows and pain and suffering in the individual format of the separation which these evil forces have so on purpose brought into the “Push” of all such corruption;”


“The darkness exposed, fleeing as the Light of God, reveals before us all, His continued call and calling of us each individually out of the darkness; that we “on purpose,” enter or return into the Light of His Glory and Power, “On Earth as it is in the heavens.”

“There lawlessness and corruptive ways shall have no measuring endings because all which now is “Pushed” forward is either abide and step aside all which is good and right, or the evilness will silence you, destroy you, bind you up, and even kill you if need be!”

“All, si9mply the ways of man, and who mankind has once again become, just as God’s Word, He made flesh and sent into the world, so came into the world to expose, that we may have the freedom of God, enter us, spiritually upon our very own accepting openly, and returning back to God, in and through His provided reconciliatory, Jesus God’s Christ “First,” into the world as the Way, truth, and Life, offered for all who shall believe.”

“These are what now is in the openness before all mankind and the entire World watches and knows; rather an individual agrees or disagrees is no longer the matter, nor concern: “what shall be the completion, the ending of this “PUSH,” against everything good and Right, is all which truly now matters! Because in the order of the lawless ones, the corrupt ones, the “pusher” of evilness for self-gain; to stop now: first they would have to reveal themselves as lawless and corrupt.”


“Is the hour and season of all who stand for anything which is good and right and just and for the liberties and justice for all; now is the season of the great awakening on the side of GOD!”

Now is the hour and season of repentance and of drawing ever so nearer into God;

Now is the hour for the Son’s and the Daughter’s of the only True Ever Only Living One God! To turn from “ALL” else and to turn towards their future in God; for their own sakes and the sakes of the children and their children’s children!”

“For by doing nothing, they say you will only become Slaves to their ways; yet right here and right now in your doing nothing. have you not already become their slaves, returning on purpose yourselves back into the bondage of fear.”

“They call out slavery of the past, they “Push” that one is against another because of color or gender, yet it is not true; “ALL WHICH IS AGAINST ANOTHER IS THEIR OWN LAWLESSNESS AND CORRUPTION; IS their “push,” for power over “ALL” else and every other living being!”

“Evil only has a name when empowered by an individual, who has forgotten and rejected God, knowingly and willingly, yet, can not and will not stop!”

“Still, as from the very beginning, It’s only in “ALL” which is good and right which there truly is only One Righteous, One Way, One Truth, and One Life, which shall arise for His People, “The One God!” Who’s Name’s are many yet the Name He Himself has placed above every other Name, It the Name “JESUS CHRIST!””

“It’s true man can not stop evil, but when man learns not man’s ways nor followers after the ways AND teachings of man any longer! When mankind repents and turns away from “ALL” else and calls out to God, in spirit and in Truth; that’s when the very evilness of this “Push” of all that is evil and lawless and corrupt shall end!”

“Because it is the people of God, who must fear no evil, who must truly become the manifested son’s and Daughter’s of the Father who is One God!”

“Listen and obey, repent individually and on purpose with all of your heart, soul, mind and strength; Return to your own first love for and in God through His Son Jesus Christ!”

“Turn from seeking any other or any other way; in order that all of the invisible attributes of the One God, through His Spirit which He Himself has placed around and in you: shall be giving to you and released from you towards all others;”

“For your own sake and the sake of your family and children and their children, restore and restoring on purpose, the bringing and restoring of God before all else within your own lives; that God will be faithful eve greater then all evilness of any offering which has been accepted by yourselves.”

“For God’s Spirit alone has already brought about the change of the entire environment which shall “USHER” in the Glory of the Lord; driving out and even dismantling and disavowing the evilness of this day and hour; bringing about the ending of the “Push” for evilness over goodness!”

“Matthew 16:19

“And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth is already bound in the heavens and that which you curse on earth has already been cursed in the heavens!”

Matthew 16:26

“For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?”

Luke 10:16-24

“He who hears you hears Me, he who rejects you rejects Me, And he who rejects Me rejects Him who sent Me.”

Then the seventy returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name.”

And He said to them, “I saw satan fall like lightning from heaven.”

“Behold, I “GIVE YOU,” the authority “to” trample on serpents and scorpions, and “over” “ALL” the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”

“Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you but rather rejoice because “YOUR NAMES ARE WRITTEN IN HEAVEN.”

“In that hour Jesus rejoices in the Spirit and said, “I thank You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that You have hidden these things from the wise and prudent and revealed them to babes. Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in Your sight.”

“All things have been delivered to Me by My Father, and “no one knows” who the Son is except the Father, and who the Father is except the Son, and the One to whom the Son “Wills” to reveal Him.”

Then He turned to His disciples and said privately, “blessed are the eyes which see the things “you” see; For I tell you that many prophets and kings have desired to see what “you” see, and have not seen it, and to hear what “you” hear, and have not heard it.”

John 17

(Read it in its ALL Powerfulness), “The Lord’s Prayer to the Father, whom He is!”

Verse 20

“I do not pray for these alone, but also “for those who will believe in Me through their words;”

“O, children of The Only Ever Living God, who is One! Rejoice and arise as never before, because the “Push” of the enemy is the sign of evilness’ total ending defeat upon this earth!”

“For the Just and Righteous in The Lord shall see His Glory as He engulfs the entire earth in His Glory!”

“For Jesus won it all, He defeated all evilness and He has returned to the Father! He is no longer upon the cross which He, Himself, so placed Himself upon, in the Order of His Own Glory in and through “you” who shall desire and stand firmly before the Lord, declaring His Power and His Rulership and Judgement over all else!”

“For assuredly, all which is Good and Righteous shall prevail over all else! For God alone is Good and Righteous; and He called “you” by name!”



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