On Purpose
For truly this is the conversation, teaching, and acknowledging between my Lord and I, throughout the night as my own spirit rested in Him.
For myself, but also for all others who "On Purpose," On their own individual desires, seek first after the only True Living God, who is Love, For God is Love.
Jeremiah 31:33-34 MSG
“This is the brand-new covenant that I will make with Israel when the time comes. I will put my law within them—write it on their hearts!—and be their God. And they will be my people. They will no longer go around setting up schools to teach each other about GOD. They’ll know me firsthand, the dull and the bright, the smart and the slow. I’ll wipe the slate clean for each of them. I’ll forget they ever sinned!” GOD’s Decree.
As I awoken in my secret placement within The Most High, it was acknowledged to me, that so many of the newer generation has truly forgotten God. The Holy Spirit grieved, yet His Loving Kindness awaits all, with open arms of forgiveness and acceptance of all who shall return to Him.
For I looked and behold, an angel stood before me, rather in a dream or a vision, I do not know, but the one thing I am sure of, is the Angel took me by the hand and we were upon high, looking down upon the earth; as though through a looking glass, I could observe multitudes of young and old and older alike, who truly knew not God at all.
The saddest were those who believed they knew God, but knew only gods man made and placed upon high places. These believed they were saved, yet their salvation was placed in the things offered by man, and even in man themselves, rather than in God.
I did observe but a few, here a few and there a few, who:
Next, I heard the Voice of The Teacher coming out from within myself;
Whoever (repeat that again), acknowledge “you are one of those “Whoever!”
“Whoever drinks of this water of deception, surly shall thirst again:”
“But whomever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst.”
But The water that I shall give him will “become in him” a fountain of water “springing up” into everlasting life.” John 4:13-14
“It is the hour and the day and the season; for breaking free from, away from, the taught and false trusting of man’s teachings and ways!”
“This is the hour of My calling “ALL” man bac to Myself:”
“For the blood of Christ Jesus, was not, and remains not NOR EVER SHALL BE FREELY GIVEN in vain!”
“In the very ways which are being processed, offered, even forced by and through those who themselves, know not I AM.”
“You have been taught to no longer enter into where I AM, in prayer and meditation: “AT ALL TIMES!” “You have been taught that there is no way you can remain “IN ME, WHERE I AM TO SEE MY GLORY!””
‘Yet here I remain, calling “your” name!”
“You have been derailed, bewitched, lied too, deceived, falsely taught in and through the ways of the deceiver and those who follow after to deceiver!”
“For the very water which has been offered to you, and you drunk from, is the waters of Life; Life now and forevermore; the Truth of the Water which did, and remains within you, has truly remained within you each who believes; not to be withheld only for yourselves, but as I done so should you do also;”
“Did I not give you but one commandment, followed by a second only? Did I not provide the Way; and provide for each the Doorway back into Myself? Where daily and at all times each could and can worship Me “At all times?””
“Who has bewitched you than; did I not tell you of the deceiver and those who will reject Me and follow after their own doctrines and teachings?” 2 Timothy 3
“But woe to you scribes and Pharisees, “hypocrites!” For you shut up the kingdom of heaven against men; for you neither go in yourselves, nor do you allow those who are entering to go in.” Matthew 23:13
“Break free!” “On Purpose,” and humble yourselves before Me; as the day has come for “ALL” who know Me, and ALL who seek after Me, to return through your own repentance, and turn back TO My Word; “IN WHICH YOU SAY YOU TRUST!” Knowing that I AM My Word, and My Word AM I!” “Period….”
Matthew 5:30
The phrase "If your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away" is from the Bible, Matthew 5:30. It means that if something is causing you to sin, you should remove yourself from the source of temptation, even if it means losing something important to you. The phrase is a metaphor for the idea that it is better to lose something small than to lose something much more important, such as your soul.
“Do not follow after these! Turn away “now” and follow only after Me; and I shall refresh My Waters of Life, of True Living Waters, within you, and you shall open wide your gates, and everywhere you go and everywhere you are; springs of My Living waters shall flow from within you, outward!”
“No longer damn up the waters as the ones I have already warned you about; would come and now openly surely they are and they are being revealed as the water of self seekers and self destruction; they know it and they know I know it!”
“But unto ALL who repent and turn away from these and ALL who come before Me, in and through My Living Water’s which is My Own Spirit that I have freely provided; ALL, who arise out of the evilness and darkness of this generations destructions of themselves; I shall over flow with My waters of Life!”
“Come now, for “you” have been and are invited!”
“Come and drink once again from water that I shall give “you” and surly you shall never thirst again!”
“Now is the hour!”
“But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.”
“God is Spirit, and those who worship Him “must” worship in spirit and truth.”
John 4:23-24
“For My Waters are healing, restoring, ALL Powerful to “you” and to “ALL” who shall come and drink of My Waters and to “ALL” who shall on purpose humble before Me, returning back to Me, as within their first Love for Me!”
“Do not continue following after the waters of man, that the deceiver has put into place and who has offered and who continues to offer, to “ALL!” For the water of Life can none other offer, because they have not the true water!”
“For the Waters of eternal life; for now, and for evermore; is only offered in and through My Door: Jesus said, “I AM the Door!”
“For truly My waters now shall flow as fountains of water springing up into everlasting Life.”
“Because “you,” no longer remain under the bondage of fear of any other! Because “you” have returned and “you” now on purpose, go about everywhere, not being ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, who has provided and is the very Spirit of God the Father; freely given and freely performing in “you:”
“Because “you” have decided to repent and to turn away from all else and to turn towards Me, and follow Me!” “Period….”
“For my Word shall not returned void, nor did My Son die in Vain!” “Period….”
“Come and Worship Me now!” “Return to entering in and going out; that the harvest that is now ready; might see My Light, My Waters flowing in “you” and from “you!” And that “your own” spring of My Living water, shall restore for ALL their own desires of drinking from My water, I have given to “you” freely!”
“What has been freely given to “you,” now freely go and freely give as “you” open wide “your” gates;!”
“Amen, so shall I go "on purpose" and I shall no longer fear none other! For surly I know “You” are with me!”
“My own fountain of Living Water’s in me and springing outward everywhere for ALL to come and to drink from; knowing that it is truly no longer I who lives; but Your Spirit living within me; that it is You and You Alone who has saved me and have already opened Your Door, unto me, that no matter what, nor where, I shall abide under the shadow of You, Almighty God!”
“Death as true separation away from You, forevermore!”