The Purpose Matrix
David Nair - The Strategist
Mentor| Author| Corporate Trainer| Corporate Strategist| I'ntl Platform Speaker| Peak Performance Excellence Coach| NLP Master Practitioner & Trainer
Question asked of me:
When you started a business with the ‘INTENT’ of providing a good life for your family. You get so busy that you don’t have time for your family. So, despite being successful in business, you might not experience FULFILLMENT, because the intent with which you started the journey remains UNFULFILLED.
?My Response;-
Intent, Deliberate Intent, Purpose, Definite Major Purpose (DMP) are words banded around.
I see this as water flowing through a stream. A well-developed holistic person with a DMP that will you ski through Life - yes there will be boulders, but like water he / she will be able to flow past the boulders, around it, or over it and under it, to its destination the ocean - to you destination here fulfillment.
?That's the power of a WELL-CRAFTED WORKING PURPOSE - not a purpose that is pulled together in seconds using AI, and a human is trying to engulf it into his / her Life.
?Build your purpose, from your Body, Mind & Spirit. The congruency of this BMS aligned with you Purpose, driving it through the quadrants of your Life with Faith, Commitment and Discipline, is the essence to fulfillment.
The above being in Sync and working on it every moment to reframe, rebalance, and regularly provide the realignment. This is reality of life. A mentally resilient person will bounce back with extra gusto to continue their Life journey. There is an adage that I pass on to my followers; You fall five times, you get up six, you fall six times, you get up seven, You fall seven you get up eight. That is Life friends, ensure your re-bounce back time is reduced each time that's your measure of your build of Resilience.
?On working it this way, your Tapestry of Life will be a masterpiece - an offering you be proud to give to the Universe, your creator as gratitude. He/she will have a beaming smile from cheek to cheek.
As the Dalai Lama puts it, Man's ultimate through this journey of Life is his / her quest for Happiness. The above will provide Happiness.
Now, for Fulfillment, YOU, yes, I mean YOU do and live the above process every single moment of the day, course correct as you journey through Life.
?Enjoy, Live, and Show case you Tapestry of Life.
?#mrm #F2W #davidnair #purposecode #purposematrix
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10 个月We have learnt and grown each day, Thank you for taking us through the Purpose Drive.