Purpose is no longer a tick-box exercise
Being able to create a purposeful business does not start with a list of things to adhere to. Or a ‘purpose ad campaign’. It starts with individuals being conscious of and understanding why the do what they do and who this impacts. Once this is understood, notably at the top of an organisation, then the full potential and impact on stakeholders can be realised.
This year we formally launched our consultancy, The Beautiful Truth. We are working with clients to uncover, articulate, assess and embed their purpose at every level of the organisation – always starting with the individual.
Purpose has broader implications than a tick-box exercise, a motivational poster in the staff room or a hashtag. Purpose is why a company exists and for whom.
Consciously or unconsciously, it affects everything a business stands for — from the investors it attracts, to the legacy it intends to leave behind.
As content creators we have spent the past 17 years diving deeply into why individuals and corporations, do what they do. We have seen first hand the impact that telling these meaningful stories can bring. We have worked for Pfizer, Travelport, ArcelorMittal, SABMiller, Ellen MacArthur Foundation, UN Women and the World Food Program to name just a few.
Find out more by visiting our website, wearethebeautifultruth.com to learn more.
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