Walking In Purpose


Before I knew who I was I knew I had purpose. In my youth I've always helped others around me and it followed me for the rest of my life. Life has its ups and downs I've certainly felt them but when I think about my purpose I realize only I could walk in the shoes that God gave me. We all are gifted in our own way we spend time running from our gift because we allow doubt to set in but if you avoid doubt and go with the flow you will find that life has more to offer to you than you think. Who would have thought I would get this far? It's a blessing and an honor. If I can conceive it in my mind I can achieve it in the physical, with hard work and dedication. Purpose lets me know that God made me special. I'm not better than anyone, I'm not in competition with anyone and lord knows I'm not perfect. I mess up, I make mistakes, I misunderstand, and how I fix it is by slowing down, apologizing when I mess up and learning from my mistakes. Being able to listen, being more understanding of others, learning how they see the world, and ultimately being nonjudgemental. I know that everyone around me has purpose, their tribulations are their story of their own, in relationships I always encourage people to tell their story, be authentic, be transparent to the things you desire. I'm a believer, I'm learning daily, and I hope greatness on everyone that takes the time to read my newsletter. My goal is to connect with everyone more in the future. I hope that my words provide encouragement, and inspire someone to never stop believing. You'll have more beautiful days than you will have stormy days.


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