Purpose-Full Success!
'The Purpose of Life... Is a Life of Purpose' (Robert Byrne).
Unequivocally, in this dynamic era, businesses that advance a 'Purpose & Principle Based' work environment will thrive. Those that don't will battle to stay afloat.
While each employee may have their own individual Life Purpose, here are Seven Principles - that can serve as a Leaders Compass for Holistic Business Success.
With a spirit of Enthusiasm, I offer you these Seven Principles. I ask that you receive them with enthusiasm too! I can boldly say that I have used them to transform my finances & the finances of others! I have also used them to dramatically enhance my sense of fulfillment... & the fulfillment of others!
Each of these principles is a Thought Choice, a preference, that must be embraced by the Business Owner / Leader, and then presented with passion to the staff.
Each individual principle has the capacity to transform You, the People around you, and your Organization.
These Seven principles are 'Shifts' towards Sustained Success. With the emergence of a 'Conscious' Market place, these tenets represent an attitude that is both noble and necessary. These thought patterns will permit your business to prevail!
Principle # 1: Co-Creation rather than Competition.
Teamwork makes Your Dream work!
Synergies need not be limited to works that are done within an organization. It adds great value to all when companies collaborate with one another. There is abundance in the market place - for those that choose to believe that there is. And, there is scarcity in the Same market place for those that choose to believe in shortages. A 'Belief in lack', causes a business to operate from a place of Desperation rather than Inspiration.
When you abandon Fear, and embrace Flow, bountiful Partnerships emerge. Collaboration, Cooperation and Camaraderie is a mind set, an attitude, an outlook, a perspective - that we live in a 'friendly universe' rather than a hostile one.
Mother Theresa said 'You can do some things better and I, .. I can do some things better than you.., But together, we can change the world'. Start today, take small steps to Co-Create with other entities rather than Compete with them.
Ask: 'Who can I co-create with today?'. View every other company in the market place as a potential collaborator. Feel the possibility of partnerships, on a scale that you have never felt before. You may not necessarily forge a deal with everyone, but the idea is to Open your mind.., and more importantly, open your Heart! Notice how this mindset (and heart-set) moves your business quickly towards greatness.
Principle # 2: Education rather than Excellence.
Billionaire Entrepreneur Jim Dornan said 'Concentrate more on what you are Becoming and less on what you are Acquiring'. Medical practitioner and best-selling author Dr. Joe Dispenza says 'Success.., is a side effect.., of Who You Are'.
Encourage and foster a Learning Environment in your business. Reward and recognize all forms of Self Development & Knowledge Acquisition. Education can include subjects like product / service specifics (origins, sourcing, processing & finishing), company or industry practices, legal nuances, industry norms, innovations, case studies, technology, marketing strategies, branding, and more!
Furthermore, great value accrues, when teams are exposed to teachings in the areas of physical health, nutrition, emotional management, relationships, people skills, communication and Mindfulness. A 'knowledge culture' fosters problem solving, creativity and an ownership attitude. Education always Precedes Excellence.
Your team will demonstrate this excellence as superior customer service, higher sales revenue, greater repeat & referral sales, and resilience in the face of adversity.
When humans are actively engaged in personal growth, there is little room for boredom, fear or frustration. Needless to say, the Leader must set the example. When You (the Leader) are growing, you inspire others to follow you. The organization automatically becomes agile, nimble and resilient. Employees take ownership, become competent and demonstrate integrity!
Study something new, share it with your team. Then pass the baton on. Each week, ask one new person to share new information with all. Encourage knowledge sharing within teams - any subject will do. Discover hidden talents & passions within your team. Make Learning Fun & Make Teaching Simple.
Principle # 3: Humility rather than Hostility.
In the 6th Century B.C., Lao Tzu, a renowned Chinese philosopher said, 'He who refuses to fight has already won'.
Push, struggle & fight are disempowering strategies. They cultivate resentment & bitterness among fellow humans. Arrogance and pride causes the human body to become acidic and invite ailments, aches and aging.
Paradoxically, when you assist others to win, victory effortlessly finds its way to you! Put others on a pedestal and you will automatically achieve ascension. Choose Humility (Humbleness) over Hostility. In the Bible, Jesus said, 'Exalt (praise) yourself and you will he humbled.., Humble yourself and you will be Exalted'. So, be a Host to God, rather than a Hostage to your Ego.
Cultivate humility in all areas of your life. Speak less of yourself & inquire more into the needs of others. Work With and For others, and others will work With and For you.
There are two types of Leaders: one that says, 'Here I am!'.., the other that says, 'There You Are!'. Be the second type and watch your business grow. A culture of humility cultivates loyalty in the ranks. In this kind of environment, your high performers will want to stay!
Principle # 4: Gratitude rather than Greed.
Author, Speaker and Medical Doctor, Deepak Chopra says 'Gratitude opens the door to Abundance Consciousness'. The German word for Greedy is 'habsüchtig'. The origin of this word comes from two words that mean, 'to have' (haben), and 'sickness or disease' (sucht)! Isn't that interesting?
To have ambition is healthy. Ambition is based on a win-win philosophy. Greed, on the other hand, is unwholesome and always seeks a win-lose outcome. Over time, greed causes one to become fearful and paranoid.
Write down 10 things that you are grateful for.., and observe how your emotional state enhances. Now add 20 more things to your list.., and.., After doing this, address any challenges that you may be facing. The emotion of Gratitude activates the pre frontal cortex in our brain. This part of the brain is responsible for creativity, inspiration, goal setting and higher consciousness. Teach others to be grateful for what is working, rather than complain about what's not working.
Here is a Leadership challenge for you: Can you feel Gratitude for another's victory as you would for your own? For, when you do, you have unlocked for yourself, the store house of infinite treasure.
A 'culture of Gratitude' in your business will cause teams, customers and stakeholders to operate from a space of joy and service. This will quickly translate into sustained Sales Success!
Principle # 5: Passion rather than Policy.
Audits, stock checks & theft prevention are an integral part of most businesses. In order to prevent loss, systems and rules need to be adhered to. In a bid to enforce Rules, organizations tend to birth the 'Policy Police'.
When the culture is more about enforcing Policy rather than encouraging Passion, the business weakens and disintegrates.
A robust system protects the business and facilitates speedy recovery from losses. Checks and balances offer a safety net. The Leadership team however, needs to be mindful that Policy does not curtail Passion. Rules need not be broken, but they can be bent.
Also, with the passage of time, consider revisions in your company policies - such that it suits both the business and its people.
Review your policies every 6 months. Engage your team in these discussions, and, have the courage to make difficult (or unpopular) changes.
To attract happy customers, first develop happy staff. To evoke happiness in your staff, provide them the means to experience Passion in the workplace.
When (a) they do what they love, and (b) love what they do.., and (c) do it with people they love.., the team and the business will blossom. Belief and passion are incredible business drivers. They foster prolific solutions, sustained motivation and superb customer service. In the words of Nikos Kazantzakis: 'By believing passionately in something that does not yet exist, we create it'.
Principle # 6: Purpose rather than Power.
At the core of all that we do, is a desire for fulfillment. Even when we are doing something that we don't like, we have an underlying intention to acquire something that would eventually elevate our state of being. This desire for fulfillment can also be called our 'Sense of Purpose'.
Admittedly, each human might have an affinity towards a different purpose that he or she can call their own. Could there however be a shared purpose, that we as humans can aspire towards? Is there a common thread that unites all our purposes under one single theme? And, can this purpose be applied to Your business?
My experience has taught me that the answer to all these three questions is 'Yes'!
Our Highest Purpose is to serve, to assist, to add value, to help. It is to improve the life condition of every human that we touch - our family, our team, our stakeholders, our customers, our suppliers and our society. The secret to Living is Giving (Tony Robbins). The true measure of our life is in its donation, not its duration (Wayne Dyer). Be a Go-Giver, and not just a Go-Getter (Brian Tracy). Rather than asking for a miracle in your life, seek to Be a Miracle in others lives.
If you are the Leader of your enterprise, then lead people With the Power of your Love.., and not For the Love of Power!
Principle # 7: Relationships rather than Reputation.
It's nice to be Important.., but it's more important to be Nice (John Templeton).
Don't just close sales, Open Relationships! And, the most important relationships to open are the ones with your co-workers. Treat your team with respect and they will in turn respect your business.
Be a good listener, be empathetic. You may not be able to help everyone, but you can show compassion for all. Resist the temptation to judge. When someone's behavior toward you is unsavory, extend curiosity rather than criticism.., fascination rather than frustration.
Moreover, create value in the lives of all whom you meet. Seek new relationships that result in 'Mutual Value Creation'.
Forgive others, ask for forgiveness from others.., and most importantly, Forgive Yourself!
Your Reputation stems from your Relationships. People think & speak well of you, when you have been relatable, un-judgmental and emotionally stable. You are defined by others.., based on how you respond to challenging situations and people.
Your Reputation is a product of how you treat people in general.
Note: Your Character is measured by how you treat people who are in a lower rung than you (example: how do you treat a server in cafe, a janitor in your office, or a taxi driver).
Seek to better your Relationships, and your Reputation will automatically rise!
Summation & Action.
In each moment, you have a 'thought choice' to make.., the path of protection or the path of prosperity, surviving or thriving, the old way or a new way.
Little things produce Big Results. Take baby steps. Practice just one of the these principles for a whole day (both at and non work), then the next one on the following day, and onward for each of the 7 days of the week. Do this for 3 weeks in a row, and the transformation will take hold.
The Change in your business may not happen Immediately, but it can happen Incrementally.
Your New Personality will create Your New Personal Reality!
Live the Principles.
Look for opportunities to apply.
Like yourself for becoming this new avatar.
Lead others into these ideas.
(Arjun Aiyar is a 'Life & Abundance' Coach, Psychotherapist, Motivational Speaker, Corporate Trainer and Entrepreneur. He owns a Management Consulting firm, and lives in Dubai. He adds value to Corporates, Leaders & Entrepreneurs across the globe. Arjun also works with Individuals, Couples and Families - helping them to resolve deep Emotional Issues and achieve Peace of Mind. He can he reached at www.stepupuae.com)
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