Purpose Formula; Pain+Passion=Purpose
Annie Meehan ?? CSP??
Professional Keynote Speaker/ Award winning Author/ Executive Coach / Change Management /Emcee/Trainer/ Pineapple Person/ Facilitator/Franchise/Multi-family housing/Financial /DiSC/Hospitality/Healthcare/Social Services
Passion and Purpose
I believe if you're not passionate about something, if you're just doing it because you seem like it will get you rich or it's the next best thing to do, people will sense that, they’ll feel it. However, if it is your passion to do whatever work you're called to do, especially if you have a message to share—not just to teach your own story but teach the lessons you learned through your story—well, that will show up as well.When you have a passion and it becomes your purpose, people will lean in to listen. They'll start to ask themselves, “what am I passionate about? What is my purpose?” If we deliver an excellent message, they will feel that, and they’ll be driven to spend time digging into their passion and purpose. I know, I've taught you this before in the past, but it really is important because so many people talk about passion and purpose, but I think so few people actually know what that is. They give you the first answer they think of, but that's not always the truth. It's not always the right answer, not that there's a wrong answer. It's about a discovering; taking time to discover what is your passion and what is your purpose.All of us in our lives at one time or another go through pain—sometimes physical, emotional, mental, financial, sometimes the inconvenience of a person that's difficult to work with. Whatever that pain is in your life that fuels you and gives you energy, it starts to absorb into your body whether you mean for it to or not. That pain, that irritation, it starts to fill up your body with frustration and stress, giving you tension in your neck or your belly. It’s on your mind, keeping you up at night. When that pain creates energy in your body and affects you, I believe that’s your passion. Now what you choose to do with that passion is up to you. If you choose to use that passion for good and be a difference maker in the world—change the world or at least change the circle of the world that you live in—that becomes your purpose. You could also use that passion, that energy, that stress within you to be bitter, to be negative, to blame other people, to fill your life with excuses for why nothing works out for you, to feel sorry for yourself. You see, all of us have reasons why we could feel sorry for ourselves, or why we could be bitter. I just choose to use that fuel for good. It becomes my purpose.What if I could teach people how to be more positive? What if I could teach people how to live by choice? What if I could teach people to stop blaming others or letting excuses define them? What would that look like? What would that feel like? When you work in whatever business you work in with passion and purpose in a positive way, well, that changes everything. And that game changer will not only affect your life and how you show up, but it will affect the people around you in a positive way.So , when you're ready to start a business, or to grow a business, and you choose to be successful, ask yourself “why am I so passionate about this? What is the purpose for me to do this work? What is this good work that matters to me? What difference will it make in other people's lives?” #PassionPurposePineapplePeople #kindnesswins #liveincolor
? Award-winning Communications Professional ? Well-Being Speaker ?Storyteller ? Author ? Certified Laughter Wellness Instructor ? Resilience Restoration Consultant ?
6 个月Annie, Wanted to update you after our contemplation-inducing conversation months ago. I've changed my approach, and part of that is a complete revision of a class/presentation I teach about finding life purpose over the age of 50. My original class booklet worked on one level, but for the attendees at the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Rutgers - it was just too much corporate language, which had the unintended consequence of creating a "pass or fail" atmosphere, instead of the "journey" metaphor I was using. Anyway, the class is now call "What's Get's You Out of Bed in the Morning" and a new handbook is in process. I tell you this because I really took to heart your advice to find my passion. Your words in the above story talk about finding your purpose. And passion is a huge part of that - at any age, at any life stage. So thanks for helping me redirect my "path."
Dream Director & Coach @ Beacon of Light Center, LLC: Disrupting the "normal" and challenging business owners to think bigger. What are you tolerating? Let's ditch the distractions and be bold.
8 个月I'm so glad to know you through Innovation Women!
Building Materials Professional (Ret.)
9 个月I am retired now; my passion is to be the best person I can be—keeping myself fit, being positive, and trying to grow spiritually. I do these things so that I be of the best service to others. “Small” gestures and kind words go a long way. Writing a little note, saying thank you (to servers, janitors, flight attendants, store clerks
Sales Representative at The Villages?
9 个月Love the fit on you!! ??
Speaker, Author, High Energy Workshop Facilitator, Certified Chief Happiness Officer and Muse helps you increase performance, productivity, wellness and, of course, employee and customer loyalty.
9 个月You are awesome Annie Meehan ?? CSP??