The Purpose of Clients from Hell
Photo by Jeffrey Hamilton on Unsplash

The Purpose of Clients from Hell

There’s a Powerful, Universal Lesson or Two to?Learn

Once upon a time, when I had hair and owned a digital marketing agency specializing in marketing automation, content, and generating revenue, I attracted more than one “difficult” client.

Over the ten years, I built the agency from scratch, I learned a lot, driving the top line through the roof along with my insanity.

Welcome to the school of life where we work about 35% of the time we’re alive.

Here’s a short list of the top lessons learned during my peak days of attracting difficult small business owners who were far too attached to outcomes, had little budget, no patience, no discipline, or common sense about how to make digital marketing work:

  1. The primary purpose of clients from Hell is to teach us that we attract everything into our business and life for a reason. We’re here to wake up and discover ourselves: the authentic us and the Light within.
  2. The other purpose of clients from Hell and all difficult people, places, and things is to teach us radical acceptance, unconditional love, and forgiveness.

If you’re a creative, outlying, misfit freelancer like me and almost 100 million other people who see themselves as unemployable in a traditional sense, you’ve had some demanding clients, projects, and lessons to learn.

“People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude.”?—?John C. Maxwell

Whether you believe a person, place, or thing you encounter is heavenly or hellish is a function of your inner state. The business and school of life are about choosing the right mindset or attitude.

We’re here to learn how to love and not be angry at the jerk client we decided to take to Small Claims Court.

We lose that battle because we fight our Karma, the Universal Teacher. Believe me. I fought one dude who was a real gem, and I won. But we both lost in the long run.

The massive insight that came from all the years of attracting a fair number of difficult clients and other people is that all the things I hated about them I had within me. In other words, the living Hell was within me.

There’s a universal principle, perhaps even a law from ancient Hermetic principles, that says:

As within, so without. As above, so below.

In other words, clients from Hell serve the highly useful purpose of teaching us to avoid them in the future.

And to accept, love, and forgive all.

All difficult lessons and suffering are to teach us to learn what we’re in the school of life to realize:

  1. We’re all one.
  2. We’re made of light waves and particles, or energy.
  3. The light (energy) part of us never dies.
  4. We’re here to love everything we dislike or hate.
  5. Including ourselves because we’re our worst enemy.

Therefore, use the gift of self-awareness, self-discovery, and self-discernment to choose your thoughts, intentions, goals, words, and deeds to move up in the right direction.

I call it cultivating our “Vertical Alignment.”

The more self-aware and vertically aligned you become with your Creator, the easier it will be to accept, love, and forgive everyone.

As we learn more about the eternal light within us, we’ll attract fewer people, places, and things from Hell.

Light always disperses dark. Choose the light.

We’re all learning on the job.

Clifford Jones is the founder and managing partner of Clarity Strategic Coaching, LLC. He writes about mental health, consciousness, and the art of human transformation. Cliff serves company leaders as an executive coach, strategic advisor, and communications consultant. He is also a family man, writer, visual artist, and mental health advocate. Learn more at .


