The Purple Pageant Event
Dr. La Wanna Parker, Inspirational Speaker, Author, Blogger, Podcaster
Speaker, Author, Blogger, and Podcaster
Last evening, Sunday, February 25, 2018, I attended The Purple Pageant Event. The event consisted of vendors and guess to raise funds for Cancer and cancer awareness. The event was to also support cancer survivors and their families.
The host, Lisa D, does this program to be a voice for those who can’t speak, to lift those who are unable to get up, to offer a hand or a hug to those in need and say a prayer for all. It was to remind them they were not alone and those of us who do not have cancer need to do what we can to support those who do.
There are many ways you can support cancer victims. It doesn’t always have to be money, although I can personally attest to the need for financial support. My husband is a cancer survivor. He had been told he had six months, if lucky, maybe a year. My husband said to the doctor, “Until God himself say that was all the time he had, he refused to accept the doctor’s diagnosis.” That was in 2007 and I am happy to say he is still here today. But medicine does get to be expensive. Which brings me to the reason I was at this affair.
My friend, Tonya Tyus Parker, Has multiple myeloma cancer. She must have a bone marrow transplant late April or May and it is to take place in the Bay Area. She must stay there for about 20 days with round the clock care, which will cost her $200 a day. When she returns home, she is still going to need 24 hours care for another 20 or so days. This is an expense she and most of us are not prepared.
There are events being planned to help raise the money and one of those programs is gofundme. You can help with a donation. It doesn’t matter if you only have a dollar. Dollars add up if enough people are donating, so don’t let that be a reason to hold back. You never know when you may be the one in need of some assistance for whatever the reason.
To donate, go to:
and make a donation.
Dollar(s) can make a difference. Let’s all show Tonya how much we appreciate her work with those in need. She worked 15 years helping others and never asked for anything. We can let her know how much we appreciate her and all the help and care she provided for others by supporting her. Go to:
to make your donation.
I thank you in advance for your support and remember, every dollar does make difference. La Wanna Parker