No Purity There
No Purity There
Those were different times
the markets where you could only
sweep the floors
the very segregated labor force
the marches against segregation
the fight for full integrations
the hidden bigotry in New York City
the southern hatred
the blatant lynching’s
the hooded hoodlums
searching out the hanging trees
those were different times so they say
oh but now there’s Charlottesville
Trump and his angry wall
Mexican children thrown in jail
separated from their parents
parents that will be seen no more
Trump says it’s open season for the hunters
and the mad
mad gunmen
America it’s losing its soul
makes you wonder what’s in their water
because it sure as hell isn’t Holy Water
those were different times so they say
but the tactics appear to remain the same
Clyde A. Wray
February 29, 2020
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